Feeling like you aren’t living from your heart fully, and lacking emotions? Or do you want to experience deeper emotions? Do you have blocks or even pain around your heart? Chances are, we all went through one or several heartbreaks in our life. It is part of our growth process and becoming stronger. Yet, how we dealt with the upcoming emotions, and if we managed to healthily process them is another matter.
Many of us store unresolved, suppressed feelings deep inside, not knowing they need care and healing. If you feel like you have the same problem, this article could help you. Our heart has pivotal roles from the moment of our birth until our death. It is the first organ that develops in the human fetus. Not only is it called the seat of our soul, being the first connector between our non-physical and physical being, but it also has an extraordinary electromagnetic field.
If you feel like it is not easy to find your highest calling in life, chances are, you are disconnected from your heart. When you are connected, you should be in touch with your higher self, life should feel easy and flowing. This is when you fulfill your spiritual goal. Your heart also possesses intelligence, just like your mind, but it feels different. It is an inner knowing of your true self deriving from love, as opposed to survival mode.
The Importance of Your Heart
Our heart is the center of love, balance, and connecting with others. It is responsible for self-acceptance, self-love, compassion, and unconditional love. When you are not truly living from your heart, you can find yourself feeling a sense of unease, being aimless, lost, not knowing what you should do, or how to better connect with others. Chances are, you go out of your way to get things that are not right for you, and have problems manifesting things you truly desire.
How can you connect with your heart in the right way? You need to strengthen your heart space through continuous practice. When you do so, you align your mind, body, and spirit. No matter the reason why your heart chakra is blocked, you should work on cleansing, supporting, strengthening to be able to open it and receive the things you desire. Anything is reversible, even your past hardships that are stored as blocked emotions in your heart space.
Possible Problems in Your Heart Space
How can you know your heart doesn’t function as it is meant to do? By observing your thoughts, feelings, actions, and sensations. You should be looking for these physical and emotional signs:
- Physical pain, discomfort, blocks, or lumps around your heart space.
- Heart or chest conditions, heart ailments, lung problems, asthma, high blood pressure, bad circulation.
- Not connecting with, and disallowing yourself from feeling emotions deeply.
- Have problems connecting with others, forming meaningful relationships.
- You come from very unhealthy family dynamics, and you haven’t worked on it.
- Have issues manifesting the things you truly desire.
- Feel like something is off emotionally, and you can’t name what it is.
- You are looking for outer feedback regarding your self-worth.
- You tend to criticize yourself, having anxiety, and trust issues.
- You hold on to grudges and find it hard to let go of things, even if they don’t serve your growth.
- You sense that no matter how hard you try, you are going around in circles, and cannot develop faster.
- You feel you live a good enough life, yet deep down you aren’t truly satisfied, lacking things, thinking that’s life.
Healing Your Heart Space
When your heart is very much out of balance, you could experience extreme sensations. A deficient heart space is energetically passive, while an excessive heart space tends to be aggressive or manic. Thus, living with a deficient heart space can make you feel isolated, self-critical, and have anxious thoughts. The other extreme is an excessive heart space, when you could feel a clingy, smothering way of love, and have tendencies of a martyr.
It is also possible to feel somewhere in the middle. On the other hand, when your heart space is balanced, you should feel inner strength and have harmonious, open thoughts, and feeling receptive. Your energies and pursuit of giving and taking should also be balanced. You would be courageous to open your heart to others instead of being bitter, fearful, and feeling like it is safer to isolate.
When you have strong self-acceptance, your heart should soften, and you should feel safe around others no matter how they try to hurt you. You will feel a big change of unusual ease, as opposed to your earlier feelings of hurt, and victimhood. It starts with inner work, which could be your way to develop self-trust and love. When doing so, you will be ready to show more compassion, understanding, and appreciation to others as well.
Practices to Support, and Heal Your Heart Space
- Give yourself time to recover from past hurt. It is best done alone, with limited contact with others. Spending time alone enables you to realize, understand, and digest your healing process. By doing so, you give a chance for your best self to emerge. Always keep in mind: Heal before you deal! This is especially true to forming new romantic relationships.
- Develop clear boundaries with toxic people who contributed to you shutting down your heart space. Let them lovingly know where they cross the line, what feels authentic, and comfortable to you. Be assertive but respectful, so that your needs are also heard.
- Practice self-care and love daily. Heart-opening meditations, breathing techniques, doing things that fill you up, including gentle exercises, using aromatherapy, going for a walk in the forest, being around loved ones, playing with kids, or animals.
- Practise self-massage. Massaging your heart space, and your thymus gland in the center of your chest can accelerate the healing of your heart space. Be gentle but consistent, best to do it daily for 5-15 minutes. Chances are, you can sense your blocks as harder spots. Be patient and loving with them, thank them for protecting you, and lovingly tell them they can leave.
- Use herbs that resonate with your heart and help balance it. One of the best ways to consume them is to drink them as tea. Among the herbs to cleanse your heart space are rose, astragalus, nettle, angelica, holy basil, hawthorn, hops, etc.
- Wear crystals on various parts of your body, the closer you can place a rose quartz pendant for instance to your heart chakra, the better effect you should have. But you could also wear a bracelet with specific stones which can balance your heart space such as jade, emerald, ruby, prehnite, rhodonite, malachite, chrysocolla, and green fluorite. You could also use these crystals by placing them above your heart when you meditate.
- Applying essential oils in your daily routine can help you both with deficient and excessive blockages. You can use them in an oil diffuser, or rub their diluted version on your wrist. Oils like rose, ylang-ylang, lavender, marjoram, angelica, and neroli can be highly beneficial.
- Create space for, and allow yourself to receive love in your life. When someone shows care and love, we often ignore it, cannot accept it graciously, or reciprocate it due to our past feelings of hurt, shame, not trusting enough, or feeling unworthy. So you might feel awkward in the beginning, but the more you can show appreciation to others, the better you can open your heart.
- Practice being grateful, instead of taking many things for granted. Acknowledging all the good things you have in life by simply saying thank you for each of them in silence can help you create more of the great things. You could also do a prayer of gratitude sometimes, to enhance your development. The key is to authentically feel grateful!
- Deal with your shadows! When our heart space is closed, we tend to store a lot of dark, and suppressed emotions subconsciously. Your shadow entails all the negative feelings, habits, and social influences in your life that led to you feeling rejected, denied, and dismissed. It is okay to accept their existence, and lovingly embrace them.
- Watch your self-talk and if necessary replace them with a positive mantra! We all tend to beat ourselves up too much for things. Practice being more kind with yourself. Replace self-critical thought patterns by stopping them when they emerge and saying instead, I am loved, loving and I am safe.
- Forgive yourself and others by writing a letter that you can tear up or burn. It is better not to send it to the person who hurt you. Create a ritual by lighting a candle and asking yourself to forgive the person who hurt you. If it is your parents, you could say, Dear Higher Self / Spirit, I am asking you to release resentment toward my mom/dead, so it is better for everyone. Amen.
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