It’s no secret that bean bag chairs are comfortable to lounge on while watching television, reading a book, or playing a video game. After all, they’ve been around for more than 60 years. However, what you may not realize is that bean bag chairs are also good for your back, especially if you invest in one of the revolutionary zero gravity bean bags like the Moon Pod or Yogibo. If you’ve already decided to buy one of these two back-saving products, you’ll want to know which one, Moon Pod vs Yogibo, is better for your back before making your final decision.
When you sit in a Yogibo bean bag chair, your body is immediately enveloped as the beans shift inside the bag to provide the proper support around you. You don’t sink to the lowest point, though, as you might in a traditional bean bag. Instead, each body part is gently supported by the proper amount of beans so that you feel more like you’re sitting on a cloud than on a bean bag.
In terms of back pain, the Yogibo removes pressure from your spine so that no matter what position you’re in, your back can simply relax into its normal position. There’s no need to exert yourself to support your back because the chair is doing all the work. Moreover, since the Yogibo is six feet long, your entire body is supported so that your feet and knees are adequately supported. Often, feet and knees are the source of back pain, so if you’re relieving the pressure on them, you’re also relieving pressure on your back.
Moon Pod
Like the Yogibo, the Moon Pod is advertised as a zero gravity bean bag chair, and you actually feel like you’re floating when you’re sitting on it. As you adjust your body, you’ll feel the beans inside adjust with you to provide the right amount of support for each body part. In this way, it works almost identically to the Yogibo. There are no pressure points or uncomfortable creases that could cause pain.
However, to get the most support for your back from the Moon Pod, you’ll have to shell out more money for accessories. This is because the basic model does not provide the neck or leg support that you need to ensure your back pain goes away. The Crescent back pillow is an almost mandatory accessory to properly support your neck, head, and back. Additionally, because the Moon Pod is so short (only four feet long), you will probably also need to purchase the foot rest to ensure your feet and knees are supported adequately as well.
Overall, the Yogibo is better for your back because you can get all the support you need from just the product itself. You don’t have to buy additional accessories to get back pain relief like you probably will with the Moon Pod. To support all parts of your body and remove the pressure from your back instantly, the Yogibo is the better option.
No matter which product you buy, whether it’s the Moon Pod or the Yogibo, you’re going to get relief from your back pain. These zero gravity bean bags are absolute game changers for back support and will reduce your pain better than any other chair you’ve ever tried.
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