Like marijuana, Kratom has been used by the natives of Malaysia and Thailand for centuries. The leaves of this beautiful and evergreen plant were used by the labor to increase energy and cure fatigue. People who included Kratom in their diets would have greater stamina. It is a tropical tree that originally grows in Southeast Asia.
Kratom is classified as a drug, and across Southeast Asia, the plantation of Kratom was made illegal by the government by passing the Kratom Act 2486. However, many people in the USA use this drug for various reasons. Yet, the use of this drug is not approved by the FDA. When Kratom is consumed in a low dosage, it works like a stimulant. You’re likely to feel relaxed. But when you consume Kratom in high dosage, it can serve as an opiate and help a great deal with opiate withdrawal effects.
The leaves of this plant are consumed in several different ways. They can be dried and smoked; boiled into a tea, or the extract of leaves is used to make capsules. Kratom can cause certain infections like salmonella illness; studies show that it has caused infections in about 20 states. Although so far Kratom has caused a few illnesses; however, no one has died from it. It is not sure what amount or form of Kratom can cause severe health problems; people who were admitted in the hospital used it in different forms.
Kratom comprises of two main components 7-hydroxymitragynine and mitragynine can be specifically pointed out as the active ingredients that can be hazardous. DEA published a notice in 2016 in which it stated that Kratom would likely be placed under Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.
However, it wasn’t put on the Schedule because of the public outcry. It is still an under-researched topic. People claim to have received the following benefits form the use of Kratom.
Helps Relieve Chronic Pain
Did you know that Kratom is fantastic for treating chronic pain? That is because it has analgesic properties and it can stabilize the hormonal system in the body. Since Kratom is a drug, it causes a surge of serotonin and dopamine in the body, which can suppress the pain temporarily. To deal with the pain, all you have to do is chew on a few leaves of Kratom. It functions almost like morphine.
It Increases Sexuality
Kratom has another component in it, i.e., alkaloids. Alkaloids are fantastic sexual stimulants. Kratom can help prolong the intensity and time of intercourse. The effect of Kratom ingestion can last for quite a few hours. All you need to do is consume a few grams. Be careful about the dosage, however.
High dosage can have a sedative effect, and despite being a stimulant, it won’t help you stay active during the intercourse. Sleeping in the middle of courtship is NOT a turn on! Before you decide to use Kratom as a sexual stimulant, ask your physician about it. I think it is one of the aphrodisiacs that work!
Helps Deal with Anxiety
While Kratom is a drug; however, it is not classified as an opioid. It does act like one, though. The mitragynine present in Kratom can help deal with pain because it binds with the opioid receptors. Although the effects of Kratom are not as strong as a commercially sold anti-depressant or anti-anxiety, moderate amounts can cause a mild euphoria.
There isn’t much research on the effects of Kratom on mood. Nevertheless, people have claimed that their mood disorders did get better with continuous use of Kratom. The sedative effects of Kratom can also help with anxiety.
Diabetes Management
Although, like other health issues, there isn’t any conclusive evidence that Kratom can be used to treat diabetes. People who have diabetes are trying this drug in the hopes that it would help them lower their blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.
Nonetheless, FDA officers keep repeating that since there aren’t enough studies done on Kratom, and there isn’t any reliable data on the topic, patients should avoid self-medicating their health issues with Kratom.
It Helps with Fatigue
Do you happen to have chronic fatigue syndrome? Although there is no conclusive data on the effects of Kratom on fatigue, people have reviewed it as an energy-boosting drug. It acts like sativa in marijuana and provides with the energy you need to finish your tasks, prepare for an exam or brainstorm an idea.
As I have said earlier, laborers in Thailand have used Kratom as a part of their diet. It helps you feel energized by balancing your hormonal system and making sure your metabolism is working well. You can find good quality Kratom in Toronto as it is the hub of Kratom supplies.
It Increases Appetite
Lately, I have been noticing that Kratom has become one of the most talked about topics on Reddit. People who use Kratom concentrated extracts claim that they make them have the munchies. A lot of people say that the hunger caused by Kratom is way better than weed. It is also easier to stop eating if you think you’ve had too much.
People claim that Kratom increases metabolism. Therefore, you can try eating it the first thing in the morning, and then you eat whatever afterwards would be digested easily. However, eating Kratom at any given time during the day would cause you to develop a fierce hunger. One of the favorite hunger-booster strains of Reddit users is the Whites!
But it does have the side effects…
Using Kratom occasionally might not have damaging effects on your brain; however, if you start consuming this drug in any form, you might end up developing health issues like delusions and hallucinations. There is a thing known as a “Kratom hangover” where you can experience nausea and headaches. The side effects are almost similar to the side effects of several marijuana strains.
If you use Kratom regularly, you might end up developing an addiction; the withdrawal symptoms of Kratom can be worse so great care should be exercised when administering it for medical usage. Good Luck!
About the Author:
David Martin is currently a final year student of Neuroscience at California University. He is passionate about writing and takes a keen interest in all things that alter our mental makeup. He regularly writes blogs at
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