When you suffer from Tinnitus, you may be on the search for anything to provide relief from the constant symptoms that disrupt your day. While many people have reported turning to CBD oils to treat their Tinnitus, there are a few things you should know first.
What is Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is the sound of noise in the ears. The noise is often a ringing, but it can also be buzzing, roaring, hissing, humming, or clicking. While people may refer to having Tinnitus or being treated for Tinnitus, it is a symptom, not an independent condition. It is often a symptom of hearing loss, injury to the ear, or Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is one of the chemical compounds found in the circulatory system disorder, or a reaction to a medication.
However, it is so bothersome for most people that they seek out treatment for Tinnitus. Additionally, there may be nothing they can do to relieve the underlying condition. It is believed that upwards of 20% of adults in the United States experience tinnitus.
What is CBD oil?
Cannabis plant. It is extracted from the plant and mixed with a carrier oil to create CBD oil or CBD tincture. IT has been shown through research to help relieve chronic pain, anxiety, and other common symptoms.
Although it has been proven effective in some areas, the research is still unavailable in other areas due to the relatively new focus on it as an option for the treatment of ailments. CBD oil does not have the psychoactive side effects that THC does, which also comes from the cannabis plant. Due to its inability to get the user “high,” it is sold over the counter at most major retailers.
Can CBD oil treat Tinnitus?
Whether CBD oil can effectively treat Tinnitus is unknown at this point. Some people have reported online that they have tried CBD oil for their Tinnitus and experienced great results. The lack of research, as mentioned previously, is due to the relatively new focus on CBD as a healthcare option.
Despite the lack of research, individuals are experimenting with oil for treatment of different ailments due to its proven success in different areas and the lack of complications or adverse side effects.
What kind of CBD oil should you choose?
Since CBD oils have grown significantly in popularity, there is a wide range of different brands and variations on the market. While there are several top brands, there are even more companies that have started putting out CBD oils to get a piece of the market. Choose brands that have a solid reputation for their CBD oils, and have experience in the production and sales of CBD products. You also want to watch the ingredient list of any CBD product you buy to ensure it is pure.
What other options are there?
Whether or not your physician will be able to offer you a solution to your Tinnitus will depend entirely on what the underlying problem is causing it. For example, if the underlying cause is an extreme buildup of earwax or infection, those causes can be treated and relieve Tinnitus.
However, if it is caused by damage due to long-term exposure to loud noises, there will be little your doctor can do for you. However, they may refer you to a specialist, who will have more options, including Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT). Many patients have found relief with TRT, which you can learn more about at https://www.soundrelief.com/Tinnitus/Tinnitus-treatment/.
As you would with any supplement, it is essential to let your doctor know you are using CBD oil as part of your overall health and in hopes of treating your Tinnitus. While your doctor may or may not agree with your decision, they need to know.
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