If you have a specific illness, you would want to know everything there is to know about it. You will probably search for information online. There could be some excellent advice on it. But sometimes, there are things not to be trusted. People can just add things which are made up. Just about anyone can edit a page online. So, take everything you read with precaution. If you have any doubts, you could always just go and ask your doctor about it. That’s the safest way.
If you have found out that you suffer from PseudoBulbar Affect or PBA, don’t worry. If you want to you could read more about the condition on this link https://www.healthline.com/health/pba/pba-signs. The doctor will explain the symptoms at first. Then, they will give you some pills. After that, you will feel like you again. You only have to remember to take them as the doctor said. You were probably given Nuedexta. The name sounds weird for sure.
What is Nuedexta?
This medicine is used to treat PBA. Briefly said, it’s a condition where you either laugh or cry uncontrollably out of nowhere. It can happen after someone has had a stroke. Also, it may happen after some brain condition like ALS or multiple sclerosis. What this pill does is to decrease the uncontrollable laughter or crying. The patients don’t feel sad when they cry. It just happens out of nowhere. The worst thing is that they can’t control it. So, it’s really hard.
Proper Use
The doctor will probably give you instructions on how to drink this pill once you buy it at your local pharmacy. You drink one capsule every 12 hours and you should swallow it with a full glass of water. You could take it with or without food. It’s your choice. However, remember not to lie down after swallowing the pill. You shouldn’t do it for 10 minutes at least. Sometimes, people get harsh side effects. So, the doctor recommends taking one pill a day for a week. That way, your body will get used to it.
Just like any other medication, you should remember to drink it regularly. If you don’t do it, it can’t help you. If you seem to forget about taking it, you should think of ways how not to. The best way is for you to set up an alarm clock. When you hear it, you will drink the pill. Easy as that. You will have a reminder. If you don’t see any improvements, go and see your doctor. They will know what to do.
Side Effects
The first thing you may notice after taking it is that you have some trouble sleeping. It’s because of the pill. Also, some experience loss of appetite. Others feel they have gained weight. You may also notice some joint pain. It’s not uncommon for you to get diarrhea as well. If you experience all of those things, know that they’re caused by Nuedexta and to know more about the side effect, you can visit sites like Congaree Nuedexta Pharmacy.
Before you Start Taking the Pill
You doctor probably knows your medical history. If you have a new doctor, it won’t hurt to mention some details. If you have a heart condition or someone in your close family has, you should tell them. This is a horrible condition. But the doctor has to know before giving you take the medication. Also, if you are already on something, you should tell them. It doesn’t matter if it’s prescribed or off the counter. Don’t mix it with other pills unless your doctor has told you.
What to Expect?
When you begin with the treatment, you will notice some changes. First of all, you will take fewer episodes. However, it should happen after a week. The best results are yet to come. It’s said that they’ll come after 3 months use. So, you’ll have to drink it regularly for that much time to notice your condition’s improved. There have been researches to see how well the pill is doing. The results may be different. There are still some factors which the doctors can’t influence. It depends on you and how well your body accepts Nuedexta.
Give it Time
Like with any medication, you should give it time to function. It can’ be easy living with PBA. You could learn how it’s diagnosed here. You won’t see changes at once. It’s impossible. You should give it time. Be patient. Remember, you may notice some improvement after a week. But the best results will come after 3 months. So, don’t despair. The best is yet to come. Your body will take its time to get used to the drug.
The most important thing about treatment is to remember to take the pill at the same time every day. You will get the best results that way. Also, the level of medication will be kept under control the whole time. Remember to drink them regularly. You can’t expect results if you forget about them. Find a way to remind yourself to take it.
You should schedule regular checkups with your doctor. They will want to know how you’re feeling. You have to tell them if you’re experiencing improvements or not. Also, they will be able to control the dosage and everything. They may give you some time off. That way, they will see if you’re clear of the PBA symptoms. Sometimes that can happen, and you don’t have to drink the pills anymore.
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