Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid like THC, but it doesn’t contain any psychoactive properties. People use CBD to relieve anxiety, stress, and pain without having to deal with side effects like a rapid heart rate, paranoia, and hallucinations. It’s a good thing CBD isn’t psychoactive because in the medical field, CBD is used successfully to prevent seizures.
How do people consume CBD? Well, you’ve probably heard of CBD oil, but here are 7 CBD products with alternative delivery methods you might not know exist.
1. CBD suppositories
Suppositories are a popular method for delivering medications, so it makes sense that there are now CBD suppositories on the market. Most CBD suppositories deliver a larger quantity of CBD compared to capsules. For example, the Pacific Roots CBD suppositories come in several different strengths, including 30mg, 50mg, 75mg, or 100mg of CBD per suppository. Compared to 10mg capsules, that’s a much stronger dose.
If you’re curious to know what the effects are, check out this YouTuber’s review of her experience using a CBD suppository.
Do CBD suppositories work? Yes, but like all CBD uses, it’s not well studied. While most anecdotal feedback about suppositories is overwhelmingly positive, there are no scientific studies to support the efficacy.
Although, based on people’s experience with THC suppositories not producing a “head high,” it appears that both THC and CBD suppositories provide results you’d expect from a topical application where the effects remain local.
2. CBD hemp cigarettes
While some people smoke pure CBD, others prefer hemp cigarettes. Pure CBD is usually smoked in a pipe, but hemp cigarettes are smoked just like tobacco cigarettes.
The benefits of smoking hemp cigarettes are twofold. First, you’re getting a good dose of CBD straight into your bloodstream through your lungs. Second, if you enjoy smoking tobacco, smoking hemp cigarettes might help you quit.
3. CBD personal lube
If you’re going to use a personal lubricant, you may as well use CBD-infused lube. Like suppositories, it’s probably not going to get very far into your bloodstream, but it will create a localized effect that many claim elevates sensual pleasure.
4. CBD potato chips
As if there aren’t enough CBD-infused food products on the market, now you can get CBD potato chips. This is good news for those who don’t like drinking sugary drinks and eating candy and chocolate all the time. Now there’s a CBD product for people who prefer crunchy, salty snacks.
The best part about CBD potato chips is that you can get 100mg, 200mg, or 300mg per serving. Considering most capsules max out at 10mg, you’d have to consume an entire month’s worth of CBD capsules to get 300mg.
5. CBD hand sanitizer
The world loves hand sanitizer right now, and people’s hands have never been cleaner. When you use CBD-infused hand sanitizer, your hands will be germ-free, and you’ll get some relaxation at the same time.
The downside is that you won’t get much CBD this way. So, consider hand sanitizer more of a novelty than a method for administering CBD for a necessary purpose like pain relief.
6. CBD chew
If you enjoy chewing tobacco, but you don’t like the dangers, now you can chew CBD instead. CBD chew is used just like tobacco where you place it between your cheek and gum. The difference is instead of delivering harmful nicotine, you’ll be getting a steady flow of relaxing and anti-inflammatory CBD straight into your bloodstream.
7. CBD toilet paper
CBD toilet paper is definitely a novelty product, but still really cool and environmentally sustainable. Hemp is a highly sustainable plant that requires little water, is naturally pest-resistant, and doesn’t take long to harvest.
Since hemp contains CBD naturally, your hemp toilet paper will contain CBD. However, it’s not a reliable source of CBD for any therapeutic or medicinal purpose. If you’re interested in reducing your carbon footprint, hemp toilet paper is an excellent product. However, if you’re looking for pain relief, relaxation, or relief from anxiety, consider using a more potent and direct delivery method.
CBD can be infused into anything
Since CBD can be put in anything edible, we’ll probably see even more interesting products in the future. If you’re into novelty products, keep your eyes open – you never know when the next interesting CBD-infused product will hit the market.
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