A habit is some routine behavior that develops gradually and unconsciously. According to Psychology, a habit is a regularly repeated behavior that needs no thought to be developed. It may range from eating, sleeping to thinking and reacting. Habit may take some time to be regular, but it develops in a single experience, especially when emotions are involved.
A habit may be good or bad and has an identical effect depending on its type on our health and mental position. Behavior that brings a beneficial change to our Life is termed a good habit. A good habit brings good changes to our health and Life.
A bad habit is a pattern of habitual behavior that has a terrible impact on our health and living styles. It disturbs our physical and mental health state and can cause considerable damage to our health also.
Smoking Cigarettes
Smoking is a very tough habit to leave. It develops unconsciously as people start smoking to look COOL. Some start smoking as their friends smoke, so this habit gradually develops and becomes an addiction. Most teenagers are addicted to smoking. Cigarettes contain strong types of nicotine that become quickly addictive, and people cannot live without smoking once they have become addicted to smoking. People can be addicted to different types of smoking like a cigarette, e-cigarettes, and hookahs.
Cigarettes contain chemicals like tobacco and cyanide that are poisonous. These toxins can kill if they are taken in high doses. Smoking causes many diseases of the lungs, heart, and cancer. They also damage our gums, teeth, and stomach. Heavy smoking causes lung and mouth cancer. They also affect the throat, bladder, and sexual hormones.
Eating Junk Foods
Nowadays, it has become a trend to eat junk foods from a restaurant for lunch and dinner. The main reason is people’s busy routine, and they prefer to order fast foods instead of house-made meals. It is not too destructive to eat fast foods now and then. But regular use of fast foods can damage our health and may cause diseases. Junk food increases the chances of cancer and heart diseases. Excess use of junk foods causes high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and digestive diseases.
Instead of using junk foods, we should cook a meal at home. Cooking and freezing meals at home is best in money-saving and health care. We should decrease the use of restaurant foods.
Drinking Alcohol
Drinking alcohol regularly can be a poison. According to research at Lancet, almost 600,000 people are addicted to alcohol, and their health is overdue to this drinking habit. Higher alcohol consumption can cause brain stroke. Consumption can also cause digestive problems, heart problems, bone damage, and cancer. It makes our cardiovascular system weeks.
Alcohol drinkers become week day by day as their physical and mental health falls gradually. In case you are addicted, make sure to get an alcohol assessment diagnosis to get help.
Skipping Meal
Some people have the habit of skipping meals which can be hazardous. Meals improve alertness and concentration, so you should never miss them. Food gives us the energy to do work. If we are missing meals regularly, our body starts to conserve energy to feel sluggish.
We should eat meals regularly on time three to four times a day, it makes us healthy and our metabolism system. It maintains our muscle’s strength and keeps us active.
Excessive Use of Mobile Phone
The social circle of people has become larger through social media or mobile phones. People are addicted to the excessive use of the mobile phone. Excessive use of mobile phones is counted as a lousy habit because it may have a destructive impact on our health. Most of us first check the mobile phone when we get up in the morning and gross that is. The radiation emitting from the mobile screen is harmful to our eyesight and also weakens our muscles.
We should reduce this habit as it hurts our health.
Biting Nails
Biting nails is a bad habit that looks harmless, but it has harmful effects on our health. Most people fall into this habit due to stress. Our nails carry very harmful germs. When we bite the nails, these germs enter our mouth that can cause many viral diseases like typhoid, flu, jaundice, etc. this habit also damages our nails.
Listening Music Loudly
Listening to music is a joyful activity which we do in the feeling of joy and sorrow. But listening to music at a high volume may damage our hearing sense.
People are primarily in the habit of listening to loud music, mainly using headphones. It can damage our muscles and nervous system directly. It can cause headaches also. Studies recommend that prolonged use of headphones for listening to music loudly can cause loss of hearing.
Sleeping late
Sleep makes our muscles relax and prepares us for a fresh new day. Sleeping less is a risk that can cause many health issues. It makes us nervous for weeks and many other disorders of health. Sleeping late has become a trend in this busy modern age. Early sleep makes us get up early the following day.
Sleeping late can cause many disorders as
- Heart diseases
- High blood pressure
- Nervous system orders
- Stroke
- Heart failure
- Diabetes
Habit is a regularly developed activity that affects our health as well as our Life. Good habits have beneficial effects on our health and Life. Bad habits hurt our Life and health. They can damage or physical and mental health. They can cause many severe diseases and other disorders. Any habit becomes hard to leave when it develops. We should avoid bad habits and should adopt good habits.
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