We all want gorgeous, healthy-looking skin, but if you weren’t blessed with fantastic genes, it can take some work to get there.
Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to improve the health and appearance of your skin, reducing redness, minimising acne, and preventing the common signs of aging. A few small lifestyle tweaks and changes to your daily routine will help you achieve the smooth, glowing complexion you’ve always dreamed of.
Good hydration is vital to beautiful skin. Not only does it prevent wrinkles, but also redness, uneven skin tone, flakiness, and itching.
Hydrate your skin from the inside by drinking plenty of water throughout the day and following a diet full of moisture-rich fruits and vegetables.
When it comes to moisturisers, apply them as soon as you’ve washed and cleansed your skin. Long, hot showers strip your skin of natural oils, leaving it dry. Moisturising your face and body immediately afterwards will counterbalance this, leaving your skin both clean and healthy.
Exercise early and often
One of the main benefits of exercise is that it promotes healthy circulation. This means that vital nutrients can be carried through the blood to where there’re needed, including the skin.
Unfortunately, the skin is your body’s last priority, after the brain, organs, and muscles. Exercising early in the morning gets the blood pumping after hours of inactivity, meaning your skin will see more benefit throughout the day.
Avoid the sun, even indoors
You likely know that wearing an SPF moisturiser (SPF 30 or above) is the best way to prevent premature aging, as 90% of the visible signs of aging are caused by the sun’s rays.
However, you may not know that UVA and UVB rays can penetrate house and car windows, meaning it’s important to apply sun protection even if you’re not planning to spend much time outdoors. In fact, most sun damage, including skin cancer, occurs on the side of the face and body which is exposed to the sun when driving.
Always wear a moisturiser with SPF to protect yourself wherever you are.
Exfoliate often
As we age, skin cells turn over at a slower rate, resulting in a duller complexion and more easily clogged pores.
Regularly exfoliate your face and body (around twice a week) to get rid of any dead skin cells and lingering dirt which may clog your pores, causing acne and preventing moisturisers from penetrating the skin.
Customise your skincare routine
Most of us have good skin days and bad skin days, or even good and bad skin weeks. This isn’t just down to chance, but is a helpful way to gage the health of your skin and therefore the attention it requires.
Don’t go on autopilot when it comes to your skincare routine. Rather than apply the same products every day, regardless of how well you slept, the temperature, or whether you’re having a flare up or not, have a varied collection of products you can select from depending on the current state of your complexion.
For example, if your skin looks good and feels comfortable, you can apply a lighter night cream, but in the heart of winter, when skin tends to dry out and crack in the cold, go for a richer formula.
Don’t be afraid to get help
Following all the above steps is vital for healthy, beautiful skin, but there’s only so much you can do on your own.
Most skincare tips are about prevention, but if you already suffer from deep wrinkles, broken capillaries, or stubborn age spots, a little professional assistance in the form of Botox or laser treatments can help you regain your confidence and feel like yourself again.
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