Are you looking to learn more about breast health?
Today, breast cancer is reported to be the most common form of cancer in the world. While this type of cancer can affect both men and women, it is predominantly found in women.
This is why it’s so important for women to learn as much as possible when it comes to breast health. So, if you’ve been wanting to learn more about how to best protect your breasts, you’ve come to the right place. We’re sharing our five tips for maintaining healthy breasts.
1. Routine Examinations
First things first, it’s essential to stay on top of your self-examinations.
This should be done weekly and is as simple as feeling the areas around your breast tissue. Be sure to feel around your general breast area for any lumps. These are typically single bumps, firm and generally pain-free.
If you have any reason to believe that what you’re feeling or seeing is abnormal, contact your healthcare provider right away. When it comes to breast cancer, early detection is key.
2. Exercise, Exercise, Exercise!
Did you know that fat cells produce estrogen?
The problem with heightened levels of estrogen is that they have been linked to certain cancers. Routine exercise, however, helps to shrink these cells and lower your levels of estrogen.
It’s generally recommended for adults to get 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. This could be anything from walking and swimming to strength training and aerobics.
3. Fill up on Fruit and Veggies
We all know just how important fruits and vegetables are to our diet.
But, evidence has also pointed to the fact that fruits and veggies can help to curb certain types of cancer. This is because they contain carotenoids that serve as antioxidants.
It’s also believed that fruits and veggies can actually slow the progression and the recurrence of cancer. Click here to learn more about how nutrition can be tied to breast cancer.
4. Consume Less Alcohol
Did you know that alcohol abuse is connected to breast cancer?
Studies have found that women who drink more than three alcoholic beverages a day have 1.5 times the likelihood of developing breast cancer.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have to eliminate alcohol altogether. Instead, it just means that you may want to minimize just how much you’re consuming. Women generally should avoid drinking more than one unit of alcohol per day.
5. Don’t Skip Your Mammogram
A mammogram is an X-ray screening test for breast cancer. It helps to detect any abnormal patterns or changes in your breast tissue.
These are typically routine procedures that are scheduled annually past a certain age. Doctors generally recommend women ages 45-54 to get a mammogram once a year. Once you hit 55, you can generally get a mammogram once every few years.
It’s incredibly important to ensure that you’re scheduling a mammogram as part of your routine health maintenance.
The Key to Healthy Breasts
Of course, preventing breast cancer altogether is impossible.
But, there are steps that each and every woman can take to best protect their breasts. From routine examinations and daily exercise to eating a bountiful diet and minimizing alcohol intake, these small steps have proven to help maintain healthy breasts. You should also ensure that you’re staying up-to-date with routine evaluations with your health practitioner.
If you feel that you need some inspiration for developing a healthy exercise routine, be sure to explore our website!
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