Heroin is a serious drug that can cause severe complications and even death. Nearly 15,000 people died of heroin overdoses in 2018, according to AION Health Group. You may have someone you love and care about struggling with an addiction to heroin right now and not know it. If you have questions and concerns, you should look at the five signs that someone you love has a drug addiction that they hide.
Frequent Use
Very few people use heroin once and then never use it again. The substance is very addictive due to the euphoric feelings that it produces in others. Someone who uses heroin will often take the drug multiple times a day and more than one day per week. They might go to extreme lengths to hide their drug use from their loved ones.
High Tolerance
Tolerance refers to how much of a substance a person needs to take to feel its effects. Those who use heroin often start with a lower dose and gradually work up to a higher dose. This is due to the tolerance that builds up to the substance. If you have a loved one with a high tolerance, make sure that you check out the common heroin overdose symptoms. AION Health Group includes loss of consciousness, breathing changes, disorientation and skin discoloration as some of the possible symptoms of a heroin overdose.
Intense Cravings
Many people joke about the cravings that they have for sweet or salty snacks. The cravings that drug addicts feel are much more intense. They often feel as though they cannot get through the day without using heroin. Their cravings can make it difficult or even impossible for them to do their regular activities. If they do not use heroin, they will begin showing signs of withdrawal.
Constant Thoughts of Drugs
Another sign that someone has a hidden addiction to heroin is when they constantly think about the drug. Those thoughts can overwhelm their senses and make it hard for them to concentrate on anything else. Even if they need to watch their kids at home or spend time with their friends, their heroin thoughts will take center stage and make them appear distracted.
Lying and Stealing
The most common signs of hidden heroin addiction include lying and stealing. An addict becomes so obsessed with the drug that they will do anything to get more, even if it means lying or stealing. You might notice a few small things missing from your home such as a few dollars from your purse. As the person needs more money, they will steal larger things, including family heirlooms and expensive electronics. Spouses of heroin addicts often find large sums of money or checks missing from their bank accounts. Your loved one will also likely lie about why their thoughts and behaviors recently changed and make up excuses for why they experienced physical changes. If you notice the signs of hidden heroin addiction in a loved one, talk to an addiction specialist to find out more and get help.
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