New year, new you!
It’s the time of year when we all want to get healthy and fit. But how can you make sure this New Year’s resolution is going to work out? And what are some of the other things that can help us stick with it?
Knowing the benefits of a healthy lifestyle can give you the motivation you need to create one for yourself. With that in mind, we’re here to tell you five key reasons why you should consider a new year health kick.
Boost your immune system
A healthier immune system is the key to feeling good. A strong immune system can help prevent sickness, while a weak one makes you more likely to get sick. It also helps keep your energy up and stress levels down, which means you’re less likely to feel tired or run down as the year goes on.
You may not think about your immune system very often, but if you’re someone who has low energy or gets sick easily, chances are good that something is wrong with your body’s ability to fight off germs—and that is what your immune system specialises in. Following a healthy diet with plenty of vitamins and nutrients is essential for supporting your immune response, helping to fight off sickness in the long term. Check with your doctor if you’re lacking in any vitamins.
Make you sleep better
Sleep is important for your health and well-being. It’s the time when your body repairs itself, when toxins are expelled from your organs, and when you can think clearly. Most experts recommend adults get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night to stay healthy. However, studies show that most people don’t get enough — and if they do fall short of this mark by even one hour, their performance in school or at work will suffer significantly as a result. A rested mind has a higher chance of working more efficiently and being more productive than a sleepy one.
Sleep deprivation has been linked with many serious conditions: obesity (because of increased appetite), heart disease risk factors like high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes mellitus (pre-diabetes), stroke risk factors such as high cholesterol levels/high triglycerides; depression symptoms such as chronic fatigue); and metabolic syndrome (a group of conditions including insulin resistance).
Boost your energy levels
As you grow older, you’ll start to look for more and more energy to get through your day. As adults, we take on work, family and social responsibilities that can be overwhelming. If you find yourself getting tired or worn out easily, there are simple changes you can make to improve your daily energy levels.
Drink more water: A 2012 study found that people who drank two litres of water each day had improved energy levels and mood.
Eat more vegetables: Vegetables are a great way to get your fill of vitamins and minerals while also helping you lose weight. They have a slow release of energy that lasts longer than junk foods.
Exercise regularly: Getting regular exercise can help keep you healthy and boost your energy levels. It’s also one of the best ways to prevent diseases like diabetes or heart disease, which could make it harder for you to stay fit. You should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, according to the NHS.
Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep every night is important not only because it helps with concentration but also because it keeps our bodies running smoothly throughout the day (and night). Create a sleep routine that involves going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, with a window of time before bed for winding down without screens.
Less alcohol: A few drinks with friends can be the makings of a great night out, but too much booze can mean a night of memory loss, aches and pains, and waking up feeling mentally and physically drained. Consider reducing your alcohol consumption to avoid this energy loss. You will also find that your mood has lifted, as alcohol is a depressant.
Consult your mental health
Stress is a major cause of mental health issues, and it can be detrimental to your overall well-being. If you don’t feel like you’re getting enough sleep or eating healthy food, that’s a sign that something isn’t quite right in the first place. But even if all else seems fine, try taking some time for yourself every day—whether that means going for a walk around the block with no destination in mind, meditating before bedtime, reading for pleasure or taking up a new hobby to unwind from day-to-day life. Remember to switch off from work at the end of the day, and talk to a friend, family member or professional if you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Depression and anxiety affect millions of people each year, but there are ways to manage the symptoms of these conditions. Seeking out support in the form of therapy or medication should be your first port of call if your symptoms of overwhelming you. A healthy diet, exercise and sleep routine can also help with your mental wellbeing, as well as making time for yourself and spending time with loved ones.
Remember, your physical health and mental health are very closely connected. Looking after one will benefit the other, ultimately helping you feel healthier overall.
Reduce your risk of health problems
A lot of health problems stem from how we treat ourselves and what we do with our body. Say you are including a lot of sugar and fats in your diet, with little to no exercise, your body will start to become seriously affected by all these foods and develop issues. These issues may start small, but if left untreated they can turn into significant and often irreversible health conditions. Problems in your digestive system will arise, and the lethargy will build. Obesity and heart problems are a massive issue, and a good routine and diet goes a long way in protecting your body.
It’s no secret that health is more important than anything else. Health isn’t just about being sick and taking medication, but also includes things like your mental wellbeing, your relationships with friends and family, your work productivity and more. It’s a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being; not just the absence of disease or injury but also how much energy you have in your body at any given time.
Healthy people are more likely to be happy because they feel good about themselves physically as well as mentally. Studies have found that people who eat healthy foods regularly tend to smile more often. A healthy lifestyle allows your body to work efficiently on all levels: blood circulation improves which leads directly into strong muscles; digestion improves so there’s less waste built up; we sleep better, have more energy and feel better about ourselves overall.
Most importantly, don’t sweep an issue under the carpet and pretend that it isn’t a problem. Men, in particular, are guilty of waiting until a problem becomes an emergency. But it’s important that if you are in need of a doctor or a prescription from a pharmacy, you don’t avoid the issue. It’s also worth noting that thanks to the advent of online pharmacies, it’s possible to get discreet prescriptions delivered to your door with incredible convenience – whether your Google search is “prescription toothpaste” or “buy Viagra online UK”.
If you’re ready to make a change in your life, start by making a commitment to improve your health and look after yourself better. You don’t have to do it alone; there are many people out there who will support you on this journey!
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