Did you know that only 63 percent of American adults visit the dentist? Visiting the dentist is essential to maintain good oral health, feel confident in your smile, and prevent bad breath.
While the dentist can help with your oral health, you also should consider visiting an orthodontist if you have crooked teeth. An orthodontist can give you braces or Invisalign to straighten your teeth.
Do you want to learn more about the benefits of straight teeth? If so, keep reading to learn more about having healthy teeth and gums.
1. Fewer Cavities
One of the biggest benefits of straightening your teeth is fewer cavities. When you have straight teeth, it is easier to keep your teeth clean because you can reach all surfaces.
It is also easier to floss your teeth when you have straight teeth. When you have an easier time cleaning your teeth, you won’t have as much plaque on your teeth to cause tooth decay.
2. Healthier Gums
In addition to preventing tooth decay, straight teeth can prevent gum disease. When you can clean your teeth and gums, there will be less plaque on your teeth to irritate your gums.
If you don’t take good care of your gums, you are more likely to develop gum disease. Gum disease can cause bleeding, swollen, and painful gums. If you don’t treat gum disease, you can have tooth and bone loss.
3. Better Digestion
Did you know that having straight teeth can improve your digestion? When you have crooked teeth, it can be harder to chew your food. If you don’t chew your food well, your digestive tract will have to work harder to break it down.
Having straight teeth can make it easier to chew your food, giving you fewer stomach aches and bloating. Chewing your food thoroughly will cause less damage to your organs over time.
4. Fewer Dental Accidents
Another benefit of having straight teeth is fewer dental accidents. Anytime you trip or fall, you always have the risk of damaging your teeth. With crooked teeth, the risk is higher because your teeth may protrude at awkward angles.
If you have crooked teeth, you are more likely to break, chip, or lose a tooth. If you want to reduce your risk of dental accidents, you should visit Weddle Orthodontics.
5. Less Jaw Pain
Do you deal with jaw pain? If so, straightening your teeth could be one way to fix it. Having crooked teeth puts pressure on your jaw. In some cases, your jaw could also need aligning.
If you let your jaw pain continue, you could experience headaches, neck pain, and ear problems.
Do You Want These Benefits of Straight Teeth?
Having straight teeth can help prevent cavities, give you healthier gums, and improve your digestion. If you have crooked teeth, consider visiting the dentist to have these benefits of straight teeth.
Did you enjoy reading this article on the benefits of perfectly straight teeth? If so, check out the health category to learn more about how to get straight teeth.
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