How do you define perfect health? The answer to that may look different for everyone. With the busyness of life that involves school, work, family, significant others, hobbies, and social engagements, it can be difficult to focus on supporting your health. Sometimes it feels like it is not a priority during the day because you have so many other responsibilities to take care of that take precedence.
This is not a recipe for thriving. Neglecting your own wellness day after day can have severe consequences for your health and your enjoyment of life. It is crucial that you set aside time to care for yourself, whether that means focusing on fitness, a healthy diet, mental health, or social interaction.
While the list of activities that you could engage in that supporting your health is limitless, the list of habits that are hurting your health could be just as long. Even if you are actively pursuing wellness every day, you could be making some key mistakes that are negating all of that hard work. Here are some mistakes that may be harmful to your health that you need to quit as soon as possible.
Focusing on Looks Over Function
One of the biggest mental health struggles that a person may face is insecurity about their own body. This is especially true of teenagers, but it still applies to people in various life stages. Having confidence in your body can be difficult, especially when social media and entertainment are constantly providing images for comparison. One of the best ways to regain confidence is to focus on function over looks. What can your body do? That is a more important question that can guide your fitness goals and improve your self-image, which in turn will positively affect your mental health. Another way is to limit your time on social media.
Irregular Sleep Patterns
Sleep is a crucial aspect of your day. It gives your body the time it needs to rest and recover while also restoring your cells after a long day of work. Unfortunately, many people undervalue the power of regular sleeping rhythms. With the fast pace of life filling up schedules, it can be tempting to prioritize getting things done rather than heading to bed at an appropriate time. The problem is that this habit is compounding the issue. Someone who is well rested can operate far more efficiently and with more energy than someone who only gets five hours of sleep or heads to bed at different times each night. Try your best to build a consistent bedtime into your routine and give yourself at least seven hours of sleep each night to care for your body’s cells and systems.
Using Supplements to Cover Diet Gaps
You probably hear all the time that supplements are great for making up the difference when your diet is lacking certain nutrients. This is not a healthy habit. There is a reason these products are called supplements. They are supposed to supplement a balanced diet, not complement it. Food is a far better delivery system for the vitamins and minerals that your cells need to function, and supplements cannot sufficiently replace the foods that you are choosing not to eat. Products like USANA Cellsentials are perfect, however, for SUPPORTING a healthy diet. Stop using supplements as a substitute for balanced eating habits and use them for their intended use; supporting a healthy diet with additional nutrients.
Social Isolation
Maybe the last few years have given you pause when it comes to seeing other people. Though it could be the right option for people with significant health concerns, social isolation can be bad for your health, just as physical ailments that you may be trying to avoid can harm you. People are meant to connect with others, and isolating yourself from human contact can severely damage your mental health. The mind and the body are intricately connected, so poor mental health can result in poor physical health as well. As much as you can, continue to spend time with those that you care about, even if you feel the need to take safety measures while doing so. Remaining alone could be doing far more damage than you think.
End the Setbacks Affecting Your Health
If your goal is to become healthier, then cutting out bad habits is just as important as adding new ones. Of course, it is admirable to start working out more, eating healthier, focusing on yourself, and engaging socially with others, but all of that could be wasted if you are still participating in unhealthy behaviors.
Focus on what your body can do rather than what it looks like to help you restore confidence. Make sure that you are getting sufficient sleep and have regular rhythms for resting your mind and body. Eat a balanced diet rather than relying on supplements to provide essential nutrients. Lastly, don’t reduce the amount of time you spend face-to-face with those you love. By cutting out these practices, you can further invest in wellness and achieve a higher state of health. As a result, you will have a healthy and happier life.
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