There are several different things you can do for low testosterone levels. Here are some of the best testosterone boosting foods to eat.
Did you know that insomnia is a symptom of low testosterone? Followed by a low sex drive, low semen volume, erection problems, fatigue, mood swings, and much more.
Testosterone is an important hormone in the male body because it affects a lot more than just the sex drive. It’s responsible for sperm production, hair growth, and both bone and muscle growth.
It comes as no surprise that more and more men are looking for the best testosterone boosting foods, so you’re not alone in this. There are many ways to boost your testosterone naturally, and what better way than to eat the right foods?
We bring you this comprehensive guide on the best testosterone boosting foods, and you will gradually increase your levels once you make a habit of eating these.
Best Testosterone Boosting Foods
While this top-rated Viril-X is a simple, effective, and safe way to boost your testosterone, there are some common foods that could help. Some nutrients, such as zinc, vitamin D, and magnesium, are particularly vital in this battle as they trigger more production.
We’ll highlight the foods that you should start incorporating in your diet to get closer to gaining your virility back.
1. Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables or leafy veggies, including broccoli, kale, Swiss Chard, and spinach are all excellent sources of magnesium, which is one of the best minerals in terms of boosting the T hormone. Magnesium boosts both total and free testosterone levels.
Broccoli is one of the best options as it contains compounds known as DIM and IC3, both of which assist the liver in estrogen reduction in the body. Beyond that, it’s rich in phytonutrient chlorophyll, which also reduces estrogen and boosts the testosterone hormone.
2. Oysters
There are two major reasons why you need to start taking oysters for a testosterone boost, which are Zinc and Vitamin D. Oysters are among the best testosterone boosting foods and are considered a potent aphrodisiac.
They contain a high amount of Zinc per serving compared to any other foods, and incorporating them into your diet will do good for you. They are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. While getting seafood, you can also get lobsters and crabs, especially king crab, which will help add Zinc to your diet as well.
3. Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts are essentially seeds, but their thick, cone-like structure makes them look like nuts. When you compare these to other nuts, they fall short when it comes to the amount of good fats they can provide. However, they make that up for something else, and that’s their amazing levels of selenium.
Selenium stimulates the glutathione, and this is an essential part of testosterone production, making Brazil nuts an essential part of your diet. Just a handful of these every day, skin included, will boost your levels.
4. Raisins
Raisins have a plethora of benefits, and boosting the T is one of them. To begin with, they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They are also rich in resveratrol, which has been linked to increasing both testosterone and estrogen levels.
You see, testosterone can be converted to estrogen in the body, which is not a good thing, and an enzyme known as aromatase is responsible. Resveratrol inhibits this enzyme and prevents this conversion. Even better, raisins will provide you with Boron, a scarce mineral that plays a role in boosting this hormone.
5. Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are some of the most androgenic foods available, and one of the best testosterone boosting foods as well. These are considered Mother Nature’s anabolic steroid because they are jam-packed with essential fatty acids like Omega-3 and amino acids.
This makes them suitable for both testosterone and HGH production. Interestingly enough, chia seeds have a similar profile with flax seeds, but these are best avoided because they are estrogenic and not androgenic.
6. Eggs
Eggs and testosterone go hand in hand. When it comes to building muscles, protein is the go-to nutrient, and eggs have a great supply of it. Eggs have all the essential nutrients because while the whites have amino acids for muscle growth, the yolk is packed full of the good kind of cholesterol, Vitamin D, and essential fatty acids.
All these are great at boosting testosterone levels. Beyond that, eggs are also anabolic, making them suitable for bodybuilding and an increase in HGH.
7. Raw Cocoa Products
Raw cocoa products are some of the best testosterone boosting foods. You see, they are not only choking with powerful antioxidants, gut-friendly bacteria, and super enzymes that assist indigestion. Raw cocoa consumption increases cardiovascular health, lowers blood glucose, and lowers blood pressure. However, it’s the key minerals that we’re after.
These are Zinc, magnesium, manganese, and iron, which will help increase testosterone production. The fat ratio in cocoa products will aid the process as well, so you can never go wrong with chocolate.
8. Potatoes
Potatoes, really? Yes! The body needs carbohydrates to generate enough energy to produce testosterone, and even though you can find carbs in grains, they are not the ideal source due to the gelatin.
The downside of it is that it increases prolactin in the body, which hinders the production of the T hormone. This makes potatoes an incredible source of ideal carbohydrates, and you can choose anything from red potatoes to sweet potatoes, russets, purple potatoes, etcetera. Potato chips are also acceptable, as long as they’re not fried in polyunsaturated fats.
9. Macadamia Nuts
Healthy and dietary fats naturally increase testosterone, and some of the best places to find these fats are in nuts. Of course, not all nuts are created equal and hence will not have the same boost, but macadamia nuts are some of the best.
Saturated fatty acids promote production, while polyunsaturated fats inhibit the production of the T hormone. Most nuts contain these polyunsaturated fats, but macadamia is an exception. To get maximum benefits, it’s advisable to eat them raw.
10. Palm Kernel Oil
When it comes to optimol oils, palm kernel oils tops the list of the best testosterone boosting foods. This is due to the fact that it contains a huge percentage of saturated fats that aid the production of testosterone. Beyond that, palm kernel oil has other nutrients that include Vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant that eliminates free radicals that cause oxidative stress.
11. Ginger
Ginger is a common culinary element used to season many dishes with its aromatic flavor. It’s well known for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. There is a lot more to it, however, because its active ingredient is known as gingerol.
Gingerol has powerful antioxidant properties and it’s androgenic as well. Ginger lowers cortisol levels, which are associated with testosterone levels, and has an ability to boost sperm production and antioxidant levels.
12. Coconut Oil
The body needs cholesterol and saturated fats to produce the T hormone, and that’s a fact. If you have been consuming a low-fat diet, then therein may lie the problem. Coconut oil is saturated fat, and it comes with a host of other benefits.
A study has shown that coconut oils boost the production of HGH a little after consumption, and it acts as the building block that you need to aid the production of testosterone.
13. Pumpkin Seeds
Since you’re looking for the best testosterone boosting foods, anything rich in essential fatty acids takes the day. Pumpkin seeds are among these foods, and they are packed with omega-6 fatty acids and a healthy amount of protein. Just like Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds have been known to benefit the prostate and could prevent prostate cancer.
Even better, pumpkin seeds are jam-packed with magnesium and Zinc in a bioavailable form, which is the best way to consume them. They are also a good source of fats, vitamins, calories, protein. And minerals.
14. Onions
Who would have guessed onions would be a part of this list! You see, onions are packed with anti-inflammatory phytochemicals like quercetin, and apigenin.
These show a lot of promise in the production of testosterone. According to a study conducted on rodents, after an administration of onion juice, the testosterone levels spiked significantly. This test may not have been done on humans, but there are similarities in the reproductive system, and hence the source can be trusted.
15. Tuna
Rich in Vitamin D, tuna has long been linked to testosterone production and longer life. It’s classified as one of the best foods that boost testosterone so you can’t go wrong with it. It comes with many other benefits like being rich in protein and low in calories, making it heart-healthy.
For those who are not tuna fans, you can substitute it for other fatty fish such as salmon or sardines. As long as you eat these types of fish in moderation, you’ll get your boost.
Foods to Avoid While Boosting Testosterone Production
The foods you eat can affect many aspects of your life, and it’s counterproductive to eat foods that boost and kill testosterone at the same time. So, what should you avoid?
Soy Products
Soy products, such as tofu, soy protein isolates, and edamame contain phytoestrogens. These compounds are similar to estrogen, and they alter the production of T. They also have a high amount of equol, a gut chemical also linked to shutting down the production of testosterone.
If you want to increase your testosterone production, it may be time for you to ditch booze. A few drinks once in a while will probably not do any harm, but excessive drinking will deplete your T levels significantly.
After alcohol consumption, the body produces beta-endorphins, which inhibit testicular testosterone. Prolonged excessive drinking could prevent the production of testosterone in the testes.
If you’re a fast-food kinda guy, you may want to rethink your diet because you’re facing a real struggle. Trans-fats are associated with an increase in low testosterone, heart disease, inflammation, and type-2 diabetes. You see, trans-fats reduce HDL cholesterol, which lowers the production of the T hormone.
Peppermint is a holistic herb that lowers stress but is a silent testosterone killer, so you need to be wary of your consumption. Both peppermint and spearmint have menthol, which is the culprit in this case.
Refined Sugar and Sugary Drinks
Refined sugar is an enemy of testosterone production, which is quite sad because sugar is included in most of the things we consume. Sugar causes leptin and insulin resistance, and according to research, people with high levels of insulin and leptin have low testosterone.
High levels of insulin in the blood also inhibits the HGH hormone, which stimulates the production of testosterone in the testes.
Flaxseeds may be high in omega-3 fatty acids, but they’re rich in lignan, a chemical known to reduce testosterone. These are more like estrogen nutrients, so best avoid them. A lot of people have gone through the Instagram flaxseed craze and added them to everything from porridge to smoothies.
However, men should refrain from this as they pose more harm than good. Besides, it’s possible to get omega-3 fatty acids from other sources.
The Best Testosterone Boosting Foods: The Ultimate Guide
There you have it! Now you not only know the best testosterone boosting foods, but you also know what to avoid in the process.
Low levels of testosterone can be stressful, especially in a marriage where your sex drive matters a lot. Now, while there are many ways to boost your T levels, it’s always good to go the natural way, and what’s better than eating your way to your goals?
These are some of the best foods, and they are easy to incorporate in your daily diet. Keep reading our blog for more health and wellness tips.
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