Did you know that over 2 million couples get married every year in the United States alone? And with many of those marriages comes weddings – and months of wedding planning!
If you’re preparing for the big day, one thing you might not yet have on your to-do list is to get in shape. You’re going to be looking at your wedding pictures for the rest of your life, you should look your best in them!
To help you reach your goals, we’ve put together a list of some of the best fitness tips that will have you looking and feeling incredible on your wedding day.
Let’s get started!
Improve Your Nutrition and Hydration
Before you step foot in a gym or begin your at-home workout regimen, you need to take an honest inventory of your nutrition and hydration habits. You can’t get fit without exercise, but you won’t see the results you’re looking for if you have a poor diet. Not to mention, exercising can be dangerous if you’re dehydrated.
Aim for 3 to 4 liters of water every single day, adding more if you’re breaking a heavy sweat during your workouts. You should also do your best to cut back on junk food, as it’s the number one enemy of your health goals. Make the bulk of your diet fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, adding in healthy carbs and fats to fill out your meals.
Don’t Workout Every Day
It may sound counterproductive, but one of the best fitness tips for beginners is to not do vigorous exercises every day. Your body needs time to rest and repair in between. Schedule exercise five days a week, with three days of strength training mixed in.
Now, that doesn’t mean you should be completely sedentary on your off-days. You should be moving your body every day of the week, just keep it light on days when you don’t have a scheduled workout. Walking a few miles in your neighborhood or going for a swim is plenty.
Reach Out to a Professional
If you’re feeling lost, don’t be afraid to reach out to a professional for training or fitness advice. Certain companies, such as Personal Trainers Dubai, even offer free consultation!
Investing in your health and fitness can make all the difference in your results. Let your trainer know that you want to get in the best shape you can in your time frame. It’s best to have at least a few months to prepare, but they can tell you the type of results you can expect with the time you have.
Start Getting in Shape Today with These Fitness Tips
There’s no better time to start your fitness journey than right now – especially if you have a wedding around the corner! By using these fitness tips, you’ll be your best self health-wise before you know it.
Getting in shape can be tough at first, but don’t let yourself get discouraged! Take it one step at a time and soon you’ll be looking back in amazement at how far you’ve come.
Looking for more fitness tips and tricks? Check out our blog!
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