If you are among those who no matter how much time spend in the gym lifting an enormous number of weights but can’t see results, then you need to find out a way to get out of this predicament. A good and attractive physique is incomplete without a shredded chest with pecs like steel. If you think you are doing your best with the bench presses but just can’t hit the spot. Congrats! Your suffering without results has come to an end. We have developed 5 exceptionally effective and underrated chest exercise tips that will give you not just a temporary pump but increase the size of those bad boys.
Top 5 chest workout tips and tricks for bigger chest muscles.
1. Retract Your Shoulders, Open Your Chest
No lower chest workout routine is complete without the legendary bench press. However, the bench press might seem simple and straightforward but you can do a little tweaking yourself to make it more difficult and effective. For instance, while lowering the barbell to your chest, try to retract your shoulder blades, it will take off the weight from the shoulders and put it solely on your chest, resulting in more stress on chest muscles. Benching is a pretty simple motion: Lower the bar to your chest, and pushing it back up. While that seems pretty straightforward, there’s actually a lot you can improve, like the position of your shoulder blades. Moreover, this will shorten the rep which is a good thing because it will take off effort from your delts and put it rightfully on your chest.
2. Change Bench Angles
Gravity works differently on different angles. When you lift something from its center of gravity it is easier to lift but when you lift it from any other spot, everything feels dramatically heavier to lift. Changing angles result in gravity and weight putting pressure on different parts of your chest. All of this helps in training an all-around chest that looks fabulous. You can do an incline bench press to target the upper pecs of your chest and decline the bench for lower chest workouts. Both of these angles make the exercise substantially more effective and provide all-around results.
Here is a pro-tip don’t just stick to these three angles, the goal is to get you out of your comfort zone. When you get comfortable, you start losing results. Try to change your angles as much as you like and introduce a little variety into your workout so that it is never comfortable and always effective.
3. Pausing the bench press
When you start to feel the burn while doing bench press and have difficulty completing a rep. when you lower the barbell, there is a safety point where you kind of rest the weight on your chest and actually not lifting it. Next time you do a bench press, hold the bar just above the chest and pause there. Don’t just bounce the bar off with a jerk, at a point, it will make the exercise easier which is certainly not the point. Instead, pause the lift just above your chest for 2 seconds, feel the pain on your chest muscles, let the muscles exhaust and then lift the barbell all the way. You can’t imagine how beneficial these 2 seconds are. This is when you hit your optimum and those 2 seconds let you go a level above. This is you exceeding your limits.
4. Board press
Having a piece of the board on your chest to increase the distance between the barbell and chest is a nice trick to include more weights in your workout. If you are stuck at a certain weight and just can’t go on try to use board press for that you will be able to lift the weight without making the exercise too easy. In this way, you can also train your brain that you can lift more weights now. This will have a substantial positive impact on your overall weightlifting.
5. Train your triceps
It wouldn’t be something new that triceps play an important role in building your chest. Almost all of the chest exercises have the engagement of the triceps. Therefore, it is a good idea to train your triceps when doing a chest workout. When you have more strength on your triceps you will be able to lift more weights on your chest. When you straighten up your arms the weight transfers from chest to triceps, weaker triceps result in more fatigue and less effective workout.
To get the best out of these exercises, you need to step up your game and get into the advanced level of training. To get extraordinary results you need to do the extraordinary. The list you are about to see is prepared after taking tips from one of the most profound and experienced bodybuilders. The hardest workers in the room. For jaw-dropping results, you need to have a little patience and consistency.
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