Portion control is very important if you want to maintain your weight within the healthy limits. It is also important for those who want to lose a few pounds. In fact, it just serves the same purpose as eating healthy foods but using a different approach.
If you have been concentrating on eating healthy foods, then you may switch gears and also consider portion control to enhance your quest for healthy living – eat the right foods and in the right portions. In this guide, discover why portion control is important in maintaining a healthy diet.
What is Portion Control?
Portion control simply means controlling the total amount of food you consume in one sitting. Many people confuse portion control and serving sizes which refers to the recommended quantity of a particular food and is measurable.
A portion may refer to the amount of meat you eat for lunch, but 3 ounces of meat refers to a serving. But why is serving size important? It is because using the right serving size helps in portion control.
Why Portion Control is Important
Portion control is important in many ways, some of which are:
It Enhances Digestion
Bigger portion sizes cause discomfort and indigestion. If you overload your digestive system with food, it will not function efficiently. Some food might even pass undigested. You need to give it some room for enzymes to act on the food to improve digestion. Reasonable portions will stop bloating and cramping after a meal.
Balances Blood Sugar
When you overeat, your blood sugar will be imbalanced because of glucose overload. This can cause insulin resistance which may eventually lead to diabetes. Small portions keep your blood sugar under check and ensure your body functions properly.
Enhanced Satiety
Your body has mechanisms that indicate whether you have eaten enough or not. When you eat slowly and focus on hunger signals, your feelings of satisfaction will improve and you will end up consuming less food. On the other hand, eating quickly inhibits these signals and you might end up consuming more than you need.
Weight Control
Weight loss is also among the benefits of portion control. If you choose proper serving sizes, you will cut down on calories and this will help you cast out unwanted pounds. So if you have been depending only on eating right and exercises, you now have another option for reducing your weight.
Portion Control Saves You Money
Eating controlled amounts means you will not be buying in excess. You will spend less on groceries and other items that you use in cooking. This will be a very big saving. On top of this, measuring serving sizes makes a packet of nuts last longer than when you eat directly from the container, this will also save you some cash.
How to Eat Smaller Portions
If you had never tried it before, eating correct serving sizes and portions can seem difficult, but by following these simple tips, you will find it to be a bit easier and with time, it will become your lifestyle.
Read Labels
Form the habit of reading labels on food packages so you can see the serving sizes and try as much as possible to adhere to them. For whole foods like veggies and fruits, pretty sweet’s review here can help you to know what quantities are best for your health.
Measure Food
Do not prepare foods without taking measurements. Once you know the correct serving sizes, ensure you measure them out. Have spoons, cups and if possible a digital food scale. Just start doing it today and you will find yourself getting hooked to it.
Prepare Meals In Advance
Doing this will ensure that you always have healthy meals in stock for longer periods. After preparing these meals, you can store them in single serve containers that you can grab easily.
Use Smaller Plates
Using large plates tempts you into serving more than necessary. That’s why it is necessary to have smaller plates in your house and to keep the large ones away. If you don’t have small plates now, they should be in your next budget.
Track Food
To manage food portions, ensure that you have a food journal. This will help you to remember the foods or snacks you consumed throughout the day. Such a record is good to check your eating habit. There are some apps that can help you keep a food journal.
Eat Lots of Veggies
If you haven’t been eating lots of veggies, then you should add some more of them to your meals. Veggies make you feel full without adding extra calories to your body. Go for salads, sandwiches with lots of greens, and top it up lots of water.
Share Meals
Eating alone at restaurants can make you eat very large portions because in such places the portions sizes are fixed and may be larger than what you need. They also add extras like chips or bread that lack nutritional values but are full of calories. Eating at home and sharing with companions will keep your portion sizes reasonable.
Avoid Mindless Eating
Mindless eating results from multitasking. You want to eat while at the same time watching TV or fiddle with your smartphone. This will make you eat more without realizing. Such mindless eating leads to weight gain which is not good for your health because it can lead to obesity.
Portion Control Requires Discipline
Once you have decided to take control of the amount of food you eat, you have to stick to the rules you have set for yourself. Do not be like the ones who join weight loss programs only to stop mid-way before they achieve their goals. Portion control practice is a lifetime commitment that requires discipline.
This practice lays much emphasis on serving size importance other than choosing healthy foods. This doesn’t mean it is wrong to eat healthy foods, what it means is that you eat them but in the right sizes. If you want to know more about health and fitness issues, you can visit our blog.
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