Vaping has been a central part of the public consciousness for many years now. It may be hard to explain the rapid rise in popularity, but the bottom line seems clear: vaping is here to stay.
If you’re new to vaping, there may be a variety of difficulties you face that you’ll need to learn how to manage. For example, what do you do if your vape battery not working? This can be frustrating and limiting to your overall experience.
There’s a number of easy troubleshooting actions you can take when it seems that your vape battery has bit the dust. Read on and we’ll walk you through the major ones that you should know about.
Make Sure Your Vape Is On
Everyone is prone to making silly mistakes, so before we go any further, let’s make sure: is your vape actually on?
Sometimes, the battery issue we think we’re having might just end up being an issue with the fact that we haven’t turned the battery on whatsoever.
The step you’ll need to take to activate your vape battery will vary depending on the kind of vape you’ve purchased. Reading up on your particular make and model can help you confirm that you’ve done what you need to make the vape work.
Check the Battery Connection
The most common problem that plagues vape users when it comes to their battery is issues with the connection. Your vape goes through a lot of cartridges over the course of weeks of use and sometimes leaks from these cartridges can interrupt the battery connection.
Even the smallest bit of leakage or blockage over the point of battery connection can cause it to stop operating properly.
If you’re having battery issues, it’s best to screw open your vape and inspect both sides of the connection point. Is there any kind of debris to be seen? Clean thoroughly with a cloth and see if this resolves the current issue.
You’ll want to give your vape a moment to dry before you screw it all back together. Getting in the habit of frequent cleanings can help to avoid problems in the future.
Still Not Working?
What if you’ve done all the troubleshooting you can do and your vape battery still is refusing to work? That can be a huge frustration. The reality at this point might be that your battery is actually broken.
If this is the case, you might need to purchase a new battery for your vape. You can visit this shop or head to a similar outlet to purchase and have someone replace the battery for you.
Vape Battery Not Working?
Most people who vape like to do it often, which can mean it is frustrating when a vape refuses to function properly. Vape battery not working? The above information might be able to serve as a guide during this time.
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