Let’s be completely honest about it, nobody likes wasps. They have a well-earned reputation associated with hanging around bins and stinging people at will. But when it gets toward the end of the summer, they start appearing- often in their droves.
If you start spotting these yellow and black monsters around your home, it can leave you running scared. Worse still- trying to concoct vicious plans to get rid of the flying beasts. We all know that there’s nothing worse than an angry wasp.
So, if you spot a wasp nest in or around your home, what do you do?
In this guide, we’ll let you know what to do if you have wasps plaguing your home or yard.
Don’t Try Wasp Nest Removal
The first thing you might be inclined to do is try and remove the wasp’s nest yourself. Under no circumstances should you do this. Wasps are very dangerous and you might find yourself getting stung by several wasps at once.
Wasps will get easily aggravated if they feel as though their home is at risk.
A company such as WhyUBuggin Pest Control should be your first point of call when looking for someone to get rid of the nest.
Don’t Burn the Wasp’s Nest
You may have heard that fire is a great way of getting rid of wasps. Using fire to get rid of wasps will end badly for you. Not only will you have the danger associated with angering a lot of wasps, but you’ll also have the added risk of fire to contend with.
Wasp’s nests are made of fine, paper-like material. It will catch alight very quickly.
You might think that this is a good thing, but the wasps won’t die as a result of the fire. They’ll flee the fire and come for you with a violent vengeance.
Get on the internet and search for ‘pest control near me’ and leave it to the pros.
Don’t Flood the Wasp Nest
You may have sensibly come to the conclusion that fire and removal is not the best way to deal with a nasty wasp nest problem. So how about water?
Don’t try and flood the wasp nest. You may think that pointing a hose or jet wash at the nest will destroy it and drown all the wasps. The truth is you could risk damaging your home while seriously aggravating the wasps.
Before you consider reaching for the hose, reach for your phone and call in the professionals.
Don’t Beat the Wasp Nest
Whatever you do, don’t even think about going at the wasp nest with a baseball bat or a plank of wood. If you have a slight fear of wasps, there’s probably a good reason. They will sting when aggravated and playing baseball with their faces is a sure-fire way to annoy them.
Instead of hitting them, hit the internet and look for a specialist to come and safely remove the nest. They’ll have protective gear and all the equipment needed to do the job in the safest way possible.
Don’t Get Stung: Get Help
The bottom line when it comes to removing a wasp nest is that you need professional help. It’s definitely not a job you should try to do on your own.
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