Have you ever been visited by your guardian angel? Many people aren’t even aware that they have one despite being rescued multiple times.
Some of our guardian angels work overtime because of the lifestyles we adopt. We think it is time we take a moment to consider getting to know them a little bit.
But where do we begin? What do guardian angels look like and where do they come from? Keep reading to learning more about our spiritual protectors.
Just How Fast Can They Fly?
They say that you should never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly. But has anyone ever been able to clock the speed of a guardian angel?
Well, we have had any luck so far. That’s likely because of the metaphysical characteristics of angels and other spiritual beings.
But we’re pretty sure it is a lot of faster than you can drive, so it’s not really useful advice.
What Do Guardian Angels Look Like?
Oftentimes when we think of angel characteristics, we imagine the choir of angels with their wings, halos, and harps. Basically, they look just like the person they were when they lived on planet Earth, right?
Well, with all due respect to each one’s beliefs, it seems a little far fetched. The idea of winged choirs in the clouds seems a bit contrived.
The Truth About Angels
As much as we appreciate the symbolism, experts in spirituality and theology tell us our soul is a spiritual being that exists not in the physical world.
What we call angels are benevolent spirits of people who once lived on Earth. Our guardian angels spirits who’ve been assigned the mission of protecting us.
Recognizing an Angel’s Appearance
There are certain signs to look out for when angels manifest themselves in the physical world.
The signs can be subtle but they are real. However, they often visit us in moments in great distress so it’s easy to miss them because we are distracted.
Bright Lights
When our guardian angel is close, we might see orbs of light. They can have colors or flash.
Their presence is peaceful and comforting.
Pleasant Aromas
Sometimes, out of nowhere, we can sense a nice, sweet aroma that reminds us of something. Sometimes, it can be hard to put or fingers on it, but it is likely linked to a childhood memory that might be shared with your guardian angel.
Our dreams are amazing phenomena in which our bodies can experience other worlds, if only for a few moments.
It can be possible to see our even interact with your guardian angel in a dream.
Heartfelt Presence
If you are in touch with your inner self, you may start to feel when your guardian is close and even see them
Learn how to see your guardian angel for yourself.
Your Spiritual Protector
So, what do guardian angels look like?
Well, it hard to pinpoint what do angels look like because of their spiritual nature. The imagery of winged angels is indeed beautiful and, to be fair, spiritual beings can manifest themselves in any number of ways.
Read our blog for more articles about spirituality and well being.
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