funeral and mourning concept – red rose and cremation urn with burning candles on table in church
Losing a loved one is never easy.
The cremation process is a dignified way to handle the remains of your deceased family member. Many people don’t realize that cremation provides you with unique opportunities to pay tribute to your lost loved one. There are many different types of cremation urns available.
Continue reading to learn more about the best cremation urns and unique options available for your lost loved one.
Unique Types of Cremation Urns
You can select one of the many cremation urns following a cremation ceremony.
Losing a lost loved one can be a difficult time for most people. Cremation jewelry is one unique way to keep your deceased family member close to your heart. An ashes necklace will hold a small amount of cremains.
A necklace can be a beautiful way to memorialize your dearly departed relative or pet.
Cremation jewelry is customizable and available in a variety of metals. Jewelry materials include 14K gold, bronze, glass, gold plated, solid brass, silver, and wood.
The death care industry has evolved in recent times. Gone are the days of traditional urns. Cremation jewelry is a modern concept that only requires a minimum amount of ashes.
If you’d prefer to have the rest of your loved one’s remains placed inside a traditional urn, a guide to urn sizes can be a helpful place to start.
Choosing the Best Cremation Urns
Your choice of the best cremation urn is a very personal decision.
Companion urns are appropriate for combining your remains with that of someone special. A spouse or companion can rest peacefully with you for eternity. Companion urns are a beautiful tribute to a bond that was cherished in life and equally in death.
Keepsake urns are also available, allowing your family to pay tribute to you whenever they wish. These unique urns are available in the form of beautiful tribute keepsakes. Additionally, a tribute pet urn is a touching way to remember your furry friend if you’ve lost a beloved pet.
Consider an urn medallion if you prefer to personalize your dearly departed’s cremation urn. Urn pendants are also available for purchase. The use of an urn pendant will allow you to provide your loved one’s name, a brief inscription, and date of birth and death.
Regardless of which style of cremation urn you choose, please note that you have options. Honoring your loved one’s wishes is the ultimate goal. Your preference for cremation urns is uniquely your own.
Honoring Your Loved One
Ultimately, the best cremation urn should honor your loved one.
Consider these unique cremation urns if your spouse or family member is a vibrant life force to be treasured. Only you know how to best honor your dearly departed and their wishes.
Cremation jewelry or companion urns provide you with many unique options to pay tribute to your loved one. Check out more posts on this blog for the latest on health, fitness, and life.
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