Need to bring a little extra spice into your next romp? Try these fun sex tricks and tips and see what you and your partner enjoy most.
It’s pretty hard to have boring sex, but it’s all too common for couples to only do the bare minimum! Having sex is not all about that great, big orgasm at the end. The anticipation leading up to this point is as important, and making sure your partner gets there too is an absolute must.
This is simple enough for most people to understand. The issue is, though, that too many people are either not sure how to voice what they want in the bedroom or to ask what works for their partner.
Not to mention, sex isn’t something you should have to think that hard about. The best sex is had when two people are in sync, whether they’re hot and heavy or going nice and slow.
If your sex life needs a little more heat, try some of these nine sex tricks the next time you and yours find yourself skin to skin.
1. Spend More Time on Foreplay
Why rush to get one big orgasm when you can create multiple heated moments that lead up to that amazing sensation? This goes for guys and girls alike.
Fellas, take your time to make your woman go crazy and give her more than one good orgasm. Build up the intensity with each one and try new things that will get her to that special place.
Ladies, don’t think that because men typically have one big orgasm that you only have to focus on the finish. Slow down and make them want it. Find new ways to excite your man and pleasure every inch of him. It will drive him crazy in all the right ways and make you feel much sexier, too.
2. Try New Positions
Don’t transform the way you do foreplay then stick to your “same old, same old” sex positions. Tell your partner to get into new positions instead.
Ask them to test your flexibility or switch your norm for who’s on top and who’s on the bottom. Turn around, face each other, or get side to side. Have more oral sex instead of the standard, and do more than one position whenever you get together.
Most importantly, make an effort to communicate about everything you’re doing. This will teach you which positions rock your partner’s world better than others and which may not do it for them even if they’re good for you. You want to engage in positions you both enjoy, which you can see more here about.
3. Have Sex in New Places
Trying new positions is one thing, but having sex in new places takes love-making and hooking up to a whole other level. Seriously, it’s time to think beyond the bed and the shower.
Instead of getting off the couch the next time that things start heating up there, finish in the living room, too. Have sex standing up or go for it on the floor. Consider putting your partner on the bathroom counter or hop up there yourself and see what they do. Maybe even make love in the kitchen just because.
If you’re feeling bold, take sex out of the home and see which public places you can get away with getting together.
4. Explore the World of Sex Toys
Another way to bring some life back into the bedroom (or wherever you are) is to introduce sex toys to the mix. There are also products out there that you can purchase to improve your sex life, especially your foreplay. For example, you can buy good head deep throat spray that allows your throat to become desensitized to your partner during oral sex, which ultimately allows for more pleasure. You may want to talk to your partner before you do this, though.
Picking out sex toys together ensures that you both have a clear set of expectations and that you’re both comfortable with the new world you’re venturing into. It also encourages being adventurous.
If you buy a sex toy as a surprise, you may lean on the side of caution so as to not overwhelm your lover. Shopping for such items together eliminates that worry and brings out both of your deepest desires.
5. Explore New Parts of Each Other
Keep in mind that having an adventurous sex life doesn’t have to mean using toys or having sex in unique places. At least, not all the time. Something you can start doing tonight is to touch/caress/kiss your partner in a place you haven’t before.
Maybe you spend a little more time gripping their leg or you let your hands go up and down their back and dig your nails in. Maybe you kiss all over their upper body – neck, chest, down their shoulders and back – before you even get to the stuff downstairs.
If your partner is a male, pay more attention to his testicles and be a little adventurous as you do so. It’s something he’ll love even if he doesn’t know how to say it.
If your partner is a woman, focus on more than her G-spot. As important as that is, there are bound to be many places on her body that you can kiss/touch/lick to give her a rush.
6. Talk to Each Other
The thing about exploring each other’s bodies is that you have to have a clear line of communication. But, there’s another, hotter way to think about talking during sex.
Describe what you’re doing as you do it. Talk dirty, and talk nice and slow. Whisper in your partner’s ear and tell them exactly what you want. When they give you that, moan or scream for them. You’ll both feel into it.
7. Touch Yourself
Here’s an interesting thought: why not touch yourself while you’re in bed with another person? There’s something hot about a partner who touches themselves while the other person gets to sit back and watch.
It’s not like they’ll be watching for a long time, but giving your lover a bit of a show does wonders for both of you. You’ll feel sexy and get exactly the kind of touching you like as they touch/kiss your body in other places to make the moment even more enjoyable.
8. Take Charge
Whether you’re trying new positions or taking more time to touch yourself while having sex, make the effort to take charge. This can happen in any position you’re in, and it can be physical, verbal, or both.
For you, taking charge might mean to amp up how aggressive your lovemaking gets. Some people like choking, biting or slapping more than others, and it’s worth exploring this with your partner.
Or, taking charge could be completely verbal. It’s a way of talking dirty that is hot and heavy in a clear, direct manner. Your partner won’t have to figure out what you’re hinting at, which is great for both of you.
9. Make Love – and Have Quickies, Too
At the end of the day, the best way to spice up your sex life is to avoid a routine. All the things on this list are amazing tricks, but they can each get old if you’re relying on them every time to be exactly what you and your partner need.
The truth is, you need to slow down and make love and also to have some raw, passionate moments. It’s worth doing a lot of foreplay and different sex positions sometimes, then pushing each other against a wall (or bed, or couch) and knocking a quick one out other times.
Keep this in the back of your mind every time you’re getting hot and heavy.
Sex Tricks and Other Amazing Relationship Tools
You can have great sex and a horrible relationship, or so-so sex but a strong connection otherwise. The best kind of union, though, is one that gets everything right – the sex and the communication, compromising, and other acts of love.
This applies to everything from friends with benefits to marriages, and even hookups can benefit from having a strong non-physical spark. Whether you’re into one night stands or you want to make things hotter for your one and only, the sex tricks above can help.
For other ways to make your connection stronger, click here.
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