Every woodworker’s workshop requires a quality miter saw as the production of various different products requires the ability to make various different cuts at varying angles. However, purchasing the right miter saw can seem like a rather daunting task, especially when taking into account that there are quite a few different options available. Luckily, this informative guide will make the decision process significantly easier.
A miter saw is a powerful tool that enables the user to make splinter-free cuts that are flawless and straight. The oscillating swing arm of the power tool is adjustable, which makes aiming the blade either right or left to execute the perfectly angled cut an easy task. The power tool is undeniably vital for woodworkers and numerous DIY projects.
Why Do You Need A Miter Saw?
If you have ever taken note of perfect custom trim or crown molding that is seamless, a miter saw was likely part of the production process. There are various products that require the use of this power tool, such as picture frames, door and window frames, and basically, any item that has joints made between two pieces of wood or more. In addition to this, the saw can also come in handy when the user needs to make several quick cuts if numerous small pieces of wood are needed. Measuring where to cut is also made quite simple as the saw is usually labeled, which makes learning ultimately as straightforward as possible. There are a few different blade sizes and brands of saws to choose from and opting for a quality brand is always the best option. Here are all the basics that you should know before purchasing the right saw for your projects.
Establish A Suitable Saw Size
Saw blades generally come in either 10inch or 12inch sizes. Deciding on which size is most suitable for your projects is ultimately reliant on the general use of the saw. However. Unless frequent use of a 12inch size is required, a 10inch saw size should be ideal.
A 10inch blade can easily be found in most hardware stores and there is usually a bigger selection of 10inch blades available, in comparison to 12inch blades. Furthermore, 10inch blades are also significantly more affordable. Because these blades have fewer teeth, they are also less costly to sharpen. Additionally, the smaller radius allows faster spinning of the blades with the use of fewer amps, which means that your electricity usage for the saw will ultimately be less too.
However, a 12inch blade will allow longer cuts that are cleaner and sharper. If you are planning on using the saw for larger projects where you will be using thicker materials, a 12inch blade is likely more suitable. These blades use more amps, which means that they will be able to apply more power into your cuts; higher tooth speeds will result in pleasingly sharp and clean cuts.
Sliding Miter Saw vs. Compound Miter Saw
When deciding between a sliding model and a compound model, your decision will be based on what types of projects you will be using the power tool for. If your projects are somewhat simple and only require angled cuts on two planes, such as crown molding and picture frames, opting for a top-rated compound miter saw should be ideal. This type of model can pivot right and left and they can create a perfectly compound cut in one simple pass.
Sliding models differ slightly as they can move forward and backward as well, which would allow the user to make longer cuts. They offer all the same functions as compound models, although, they can cut longer lengths and up to 16inch thick materials and are more suitable for larger projects. A sliding miter saw is ideal for cutting lumber, logs, and boards. Once you have established the blade size and the type of saw you will require, it is a great idea to consider opting for added features that can make using the power tool as straightforward as possible.
Do You Need A Laser Guide?
It is a great idea to purchase a laser guide for your miter saw as it will ultimately help make perfectly accurate cuts. A laser will guide the user by shining a beam directly onto the materials where the blade will cut as it is lowered onto the material. The added function of a laser guide will help the user to know exactly where the blade will cut before the cut is made. Ultimately, this will reduce the risks of potential errors as a safer way of using the power tool. It is best to use a laser guide indoors as it will be difficult to see under bright light. Added features, such as a laser guide, can simplify the use of this power tool.
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