Alright, we know that saying “we’ve all been there” isn’t as comforting to hear after a breakup as it’s meant to be. However, it’s a truthful statement in its essence. This isn’t the end of the world, and no, you’re not going to die alone.
Also, COVID-19 seemed to be the accelerator to the end of a lot of relationships, with added stress and tension exacerbating the fissures that already existed or exposed some that you were unaware existed in the first place.
Regardless of the reason and the cause, you might be ready to start dating again. Yet, dating after a breakup is rather tricky to handle. Keep on reading to learn all about the top four tips on successfully dating after a breakup or a divorce.
1. Dating After a Breakup 101: Be Positive
Alright, that’s easier said than done, right?
However, it’s crucial for your mental health, as well as your dating success, to have a more positive outlook on the situation. We know that dating at the moment might feel a bit like starting all over again.
Yet, having a positive outlook will automatically lead to positive behavior, which can increase your chances of a positive date.
2. Nail Down What You Want (and What You Don’t Want)
This might require some downtime before you can objectively look at your last relationship. However, if you want a new potential relationship to succeed, you’ll want to go in knowing exactly what you want in a partner, and what your dealbreakers are.
Start writing some stuff down, like what you’re core values are, as well as the positive characteristics and the negative characteristics that your ex had.
It’ll give you a great starting point, as well as a sense of clarity regarding what you want out of a relationship.
3. Comparison Is the Death of Relationships
One of the biggest mistakes you can make when you’re starting to date again after a breakup is comparing your dates to your ex.
If you find yourself doing that already, cut it out as soon as possible. This sort of comparison won’t help you on your journey of finding love. As a matter of fact, it’ll do nothing but cause you (and your dates) pain.
4. Be Yourself
Being authentically yourself might seem simple on the surface, but it couldn’t be harder to apply in our lives than right after a breakup.
Embrace your weird and ugly parts. Once you do so, you’ll be able to find your true match who’ll love you for these characteristics, not despite them.
Ready to Hop Back Into the Dating World?
Honestly, the best advice we can give you is to be patient with yourself and give yourself some time to heal. Afterward, you’ll be ready to rule and conquer.
We hope our little guide on the best four tips you should know on dating after a breakup was enough to give you some pointers and let you know that you’re not alone.
But, you’ll want to keep up-to-date on the latest tips and tricks, by checking out our ‘dating’ section. This way, you’ll learn all the different strategies that you could need.
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