86.4 percent of people over the age of 18 have imbibed alcohol. It’s a common pastime for many Americans but it’s not without its negative impacts. Becoming sober is one of the best things you can do for your health and wellbeing. But what exactly are the benefits of being sober?
Here are 5 benefits of getting sober.
Better Quality Sleep
REM sleep is associated with a range of important bodily processes, including:
- The production of proteins
- Brain development during infancy
- The ability to recall information
- The ability to learn new skills
Alcohol disrupts REM sleep, essentially short-circuiting these processes. If you’ve ever had a conversation while drinking that you can’t recall the next day, this is why. It’s also why you wake from sleep after drinking feeling groggy and lethargic. Your body hasn’t been given the chance to properly rest.
Just one full day of sobriety can do wonders for your sleep.
More Energy
Alcohol is a depressant which means it acts as a relaxant in the user. This can lead to lethargy and grogginess when used excessively. Combined with its adverse effects on your sleep cycle, alcohol will quite literally sap your energy.
Alcohol is also metabolized by the liver, placing extra strain on your body’s functions as it works to rid the alcohol from your system. This is a strain that needn’t occur.
Removing alcohol from the equation is one of the best ways to boost your energy levels. Not only does it improve your rest, but it also means your body isn’t working as hard to process the alcohol.
Save Money
Addiction is expensive. Whether you’re battling heroin addiction or alcohol addiction, your bank balance will suffer for it.
There’s the cost of the alcohol itself, which isn’t insubstantial, particularly if you’ve built up a considerable tolerance. Then there are the adverse effects on your career. Just turning up to work hungover can impact your performance and thus your chances of a raise.
Sobriety negates all these factors. You’re not spending money on your substance of choice and you’re better able to focus on things like relationships and career.
Become a Better Worker
Alcohol use can have a number of harmful impacts on the workplace and your performance.
Workplace safety can be adversely impacted as you’re working either under the influence or while hungover. Alcohol also affects your behavior, which can lead to increased friction between yourself and coworkers or customers.
Loss of productivity is another major factor. This can not only affect your own performance but the business’ as a whole.
Going sober decreases the risk of all these negative impacts. You’re able to work better for longer. Your workplace relationships will also benefit from giving up drinking.
Reset Your Rewards System
Addiction doesn’t just sap you of energy and money, it also impacts on the way your brain manages tasks. This is because alcohol acts on the rewards system in our brains, making us seek out substances and activities that provide immediate gratification.
When sober, you reset your reward system. This lets you better manage your time and enjoy activities as you’re doing them.
There Are Many Benefits to Being Sober
Being sober has many benefits. From resetting your reward system to improving your sleep quality, getting sober is one of the best things you can do for you, your health, and your relationships.
Looking to improve your mental health? Here are 5 financial hacks to help you do just that.
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