The dining table is full of mail, your work desk is a mess, the magazine rack is almost breaking, and you don’t even know where your keys are.
It’s official: you need to declutter your home.
A cluttered home can cause stress and make it hard to get anything done around the house.
You can outsource the decluttering to a cleaning company, or treat it as one of your home DIY projects. If you choose the latter, you’ll need a well-thought to declutter checklist.
But what exactly should be on that list?
Read on to find out.
1. Labelling Sorting Bins
Decluttering starts with separating the stuff you need from the junk. For this task, you’ll need about five labeled baskets.
Label the first basket as “put away”. All the items that have been displaced from their designated storage spaces will go into this basket. The second basket is the recycle bin. This is for things that need recycling. Common recycling materials at home include plastics, glass, or paper.
The third basket should be labeled “fix or mend”. It’ll hold items that need repair or tinkering. Next up, is the trash bin. This will hold any item that you deem trash.
Nonetheless, some of the things you deem broken could be useful to another person. In that case, they should go to the fifth basket, which is the “donate” bin.
2. Clearing the Closet
Go through your closet and identify clothes that you no longer need.
Sort them out and put them into their appropriate baskets. Once you’re done, fold the remaining clothes and organize them back into your closet.
3. Decluttering the Bedroom
First, make your bed.
Next, put anything that doesn’t belong on your nightstand in the “put away” bin. For things you don’t need, decide what to do with them and put them in their designated baskets.
Do the same with your bureaus, dressers, and chests.
4. Clearing Entryways
Wipe the drawers and tabletops of your entryway, putting things that don’t belong there in the “put away” basket. If there are things you don’t use anymore, decide whether to toss or keep by putting them in their appropriate basket.
5. Putting Everything Back Where it Belongs
Remember all that stuff you’ve been throwing into the “put away” basket? It’s time to put them where they belong.
Once you’re done, dump the trash and give the items in your donation basket to charity. It’s up to you to decide what you want to do with the stuff in your “recycle” and “repair” baskets.
Remember, that if the decluttering task is too much or you just don’t have the time for it, don’t hesitate to contact a junk removal company.
Use This Declutter Checklist for Maximum Junk Removal
Getting rid of junk shouldn’t be a problem if you follow this declutter checklist.
While decluttering, you may notice some items that you don’t use, but are still in good condition. You can make some money off them by holding a yard sale.
And if you found this declutter your home checklist useful, be sure to check out our latest posts in our home improvement category.
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