Whether you think your internet is not performing as it should be or you want to know if you need to upgrade your service to meet your needs, testing your internet speed is useful. Here’s what you need to know about internet speed tests.
Why Test Internet Speed?
If you have found that your internet is buffering a lot recently or you think you are not getting the internet speed you are paying for, you may have been told to try a speed test. Most broadband internet is marketed as “high speed” these days, but there is not a lot of consistency to the definition of “high speed” internet.
Depending on your internet provider and where you live, the label of “high speed” may apply to a variety of internet connections. That inconsistency can make it tough to determine if the service you currently have is worth the money you pay, or if it is really sufficient for your needs. Testing your internet speed can give you clarity.
How To Test Your Internet Speed
You can access multiple platforms online to quickly and simply run an accurate, reliable internet speed test. Understanding the results you get is key to assessing your internet connection. The primary details include:
- Download speed: This measurement shows how quickly you can transfer data or content to your device over your network. For example, download speed applies to streaming a movie or TV show.
- Upload speed: This measurement shows how quickly your device can upload content or data over your network. For example, upload speed applies to publishing a video on YouTube or posting a picture on Instagram.
Some internet speed tests will also show:
- Ping: This is a signal that measures latency, or the time data takes to travel from a device on one network to a different device on another network.
- Jitter: A jitter score is the variation between response times. Good connections have reliable, consistent response times as indicated by low jitter scores.
Assessing Test Result Accuracy
You are not alone if you are wondering if internet speed test results are really accurate. In fact, speed test results are accurate — but only for the moment you run the test. To get the full story of your internet speed, you can run multiple tests. Things to try include:
- Running tests over multiple connections, such as Wi-Fi and Ethernet.
- Running tests with only one and then multiple devices connected, as the number of devices you have connected affects internet speed.
- Running tests at different times, as speeds can fluctuate throughout the day.
- Running tests while performing different activities, like streaming movies or listening to music, to determine if slower speeds relate to content.
Should You Test Your Internet Speed?
If you think your internet is slower than it should be, an internet speed test offers the fastest way to figure out if you have a problem with your service provider or if there is something wrong on your side. Additionally, running an internet speed test can help you decide if you should upgrade your internet package because you want to use more devices.
All in all, conducting a speed test gives you a quick and easy way to look at the performance of your internet service.
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