Doomsday prepping is officially on the rise across the globe.
Even if you don’t want to take things to the extreme, the truth is that it’s always a smart idea to be prepared for a few weeks of food shortages and national emergencies.
Are you interested in learning how to start prepping?
If so, then you’ve come to the right place.
Read on to learn more about the basics of prepping.
From understanding which tools and gear you need to figure out your doomsday menu, if the worst happens, you’ll be glad you took the time to prep.
1. Get Everyone on the Same Page
The first thing you should do when you want to start survival prepping? Make sure that you know who you want to bring with you — and that each person is assigned a specific role.
We know that it can be tempting to tell lots of your friends and neighbors about your stockpile and prepping plans. However, if an emergency situation does happen?
You can bet that they’ll come after you.
Explain to everyone in your family that you need to keep things quiet. Additionally, start creating a rough guide for how you’ll get to your designated safe space. Whenever possible — and at different times of the day and night — run unannounced drills.
Consider the strengths and weaknesses of everyone on your prepping team. Who would be best at cooking? Who would you put in charge of security? Who should venture out to find supplies if need be?
Assign roles now, so that there’s no contention in an emergency situation.
2. Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket
When you’re learning how to start prepping, it’s important that you come up with several different stashes for your supplies.
Yes, your main bug-out might have the majority of your stuff in it. But what happens if that space becomes destroyed or compromised in some way?
We suggest having a minimum of four to five different food and supply stashes. Remember to consider more than just food. Each of these stashes should include food, water purification supplies and other basic tools, and even medication.
3. Get the Right Tools
When you’re gathering your prepper supplies, there are a few things that you absolutely can’t live without.
We’ll get to how to gather the right food in a minute. For now, let’s talk about the specific tools that you need to survive in any element.
You’ll need flashlights, extra batteries, and if possible, a hand-crank radio. This will allow you to hear any kind of emergency announcements. You should also collect water purification tablets, and invest in a multi-tool with fishing line.
Also add some duct tape, a canteen for water, and a fire blanket to your basic bug-out bag. Many people forget some of the most important basics: sunscreen and even bug spray.
The same goes for a few changes of clothes, or at least a few extra pairs of socks. Don’t forget to throw in a waterproof map. Especially in an emergency, you shouldn’t count on your cellphone and GPS services to work.
It’s also important to consider your hygiene needs. If you get sick, it will be tough to find the right medication or even the nutrition to heal. Throw some hand sanitizer, a mask, and even some gloves in your bag. We also recommend tossing in a back of wet wipes.
Make sure you get some sort of a tool for cutting, as well.
For example, silky saws from companies like Canadian Prepper require limited sharpening and work on a wide variety of materials.
You can gather firewood, cut food with smaller silky knives, and if need be, even defend yourself.
4. Food for Survival Prepping
Yes, canning is important.
But the good news is that canned fruits and vegetable are far from the only things that you can eat as a prepper. Dehydrated foods are also an excellent option, as well.
The truth is that you have more options than you might think. Above all, we strongly encourage you to invest in some seeds and even some growing lamps. You don’t know how long you’ll be in a survivalist situation.
There are even some awesome prepper cookbooks with printable recipes that will teach you how to eat well even after doomsday has arrived.
Remember to look for food with high nutritional content, as well as a high overall satiety rating. Things like oatmeal, quinoa, nuts, and even coconut oil will all keep you full for long periods of time.
You should also invest in vitamin supplements. The truth is that, even if you have plenty to eat, depending on the circumstances, you may not be able to get out in the sunlight for months at a time.
If need be, consider how and when you’ll implement rations. Also, think about your food storage options.
How to Start Prepping: Wrapping Up
Even if you never need to use your bug-out bag or if a disaster never strikes, learning how to start prepping can do wonders for your peace of mind.
Remember to keep training, ensure that your family members know the routine, and always add to the stockpile.
There are even prepper classes you can take in order to improve your skill set.
Looking for more information about the prepper lifestyle? Want to learn how to get in shape so you’re ready for any kind of disaster or disease? Need tips on how to keep your mental health in good standing?
We can help you with all that and more — so keep checking back with our blog to be ready for anything.
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