You already know espresso’s delicious. Or, maybe you hate it. Regardless there’s something even more important to consider: the many amazing health benefits of espresso.
It’s true. Coffee is more than the favorite beverage of countless societies for more than 1,000 years. It’s also a powerful health drug, a veritable wonder elixir.
Having trouble with your digestion or concentration? Coffee can help.
Need more antioxidants in your diet? Drink more espresso.
As if you needed any more reasons to drink coffee, this natural stimulant can also improve your workouts, help you lose weight, and prevent diseases. And it can boost both mood and brain function. And, it goes great with your morning bagel.
Want to learn more? Find out all you need to know about the benefits of espresso right here.
1. It Boosts Your Long-Term Memory
That’s right. Your daily cup of joe has been preserving your long-term memory this whole time.
Studies show that consuming caffeine enhances the way your brain processes and organizes new memories. The result is that these new memories are retained better than memories formed without caffeine.
In other words, if there’s currently caffeine in your system, you’re more likely to remember this fact!
2. It Improves Your Focus
Caffeine improves your concentration in a number of ways. The first is the way it combats many natural distractions as a side effect.
For example, it is a natural appetite suppressant. It also reduces symptoms of fatigue. In other words, you’ll be less distracted by drowsiness and hunger while working.
Secondly, it has beneficial chemical effects on your brain as well. It gives your brain a boost of energy for problem-solving and other mental tasks. And it improves your brain’s production of dopamine to help you stay on task and achieve your daily goals.
3. It Reduces Your Risk of Diabetes
If diabetes runs in your family, you’ll definitely want to make sure you drink at least one shot of coffee a day. A study by the Harvard School of Public Health concluded that those who consume caffeine regularly have a significantly smaller chance of developing type 2 diabetes.
The four-year study looked at the caffeine consumption of both men and women and its correlation to the development of diabetes. It was found that subjects who increased their coffee intake by more than one cup per day decreased their chance of type 2 diabetes by 11%.
4. It Reduces Your Risk of Stroke and Other Diseases
Multiple studies have been published documenting coffee’s ability to reduce your risk of stroke. A Swedish study lasting over 10 years found that drinking little-to-no coffee increased the risk of stroke.
A different study looked at subjects of multiple stroke risk categories. It concluded that high consumption of caffeine reduced the risk of stroke independent of the subject’s known cardiovascular risk factors.
Furthermore, coffee is also shown to reduce your risk of the deadly liver disease, cirrhosis. The more coffee you drink, the more the risk of this disease decreases. According to the study, one cup daily lowers the risk of cirrhosis by 22%, two cups by 43%, three by 57%, and four by 65%.
5. It’s Full of Antioxidants
Antioxidants are widely hailed as a wonder-nutrient for its numerous benefits to the human body. Consuming antioxidants is believed to reduce cellular damage and increase overall health. Health conditions that antioxidants can prevent or improve include cancer, stroke, heart disease, respiratory disease, Parkinson’s, arthritis, and many more.
Coffee has long been known for its high antioxidant content. Even better, espresso is a concentrated dose of antioxidant goodness.
What’s more is that coffee contains not one but several antioxidant chemicals. For example, it has hydrocinnamic acids to neutralize any free radicals in your system. It also includes the anti-inflammatory, cafestol, and polyphenols that aid the body’s defense against diseases.
6. It Aids Weight Loss
The stimulant effects of caffeine both increase your physical activity and speed up your metabolism. Both of these, when combined with a low-calorie diet, naturally help you lose weight.
Speaking of low-calorie diets, plain coffee, without cream or sugar, has almost no calories. There are only about three calories in one shot of espresso.
Caffeine also reduces your sense of exertion and muscle pain. That means you can be more active and get less worn out at the same time.
That makes coffee the perfect drink to consume before a workout. Then, you can work out harder and hurt less.
7. It Improves Digestion
As we said before, coffee helps speed up your metabolism. This will keep things in your digestive system moving.
Additionally, caffeine is a diuretic. This is a big help to those suffering from constipation. Though it will make things worse for those with diarrhea.
We also mentioned coffee’s anti-inflammatory properties. This can help with a number of digestive conditions concerning bowel inflammation. It can also reduce bloating.
8. It Improves Your Mood
The benefits of coffee are more than just physical. There are emotional benefits, too.
As mentioned, it removes physical stressors such as exhaustion, lack of focus, and hunger. It also acts on the brain to help clear up depression and other dark moods.
Obviously, that’s not to say it’s a substitute for medication or professional help. But where depression wants you to sit and mope, coffee motivates you to get up and go.
It also stimulates dopamine production. Low dopamine levels are a key component of depression and other mental health issues.
Enjoy the Wonderful Benefits of Espresso
These health benefits of espresso give us a lot to think about.
For example, if you were thinking of cutting back on coffee, you might want to reconsider. Or, if you’ve never consumed much coffee, you may want to start.
After all, regular consumption of coffee may keep you from strokes, diabetes, and digestive ailments. You’ll be more fit, more focused and healthier overall. But, as with any dietary change, be sure to consult with your doctor first about any concerns.
Then, enjoy the health benefits of your morning cup.
Now, read How You Can Use Hemp Oil And CBD Oil To Improve Your Health.
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