Depending on the number of items you are purchasing from the grocery store, you could end up carrying a lot as you head home. The worst part is that the plastic bags will most likely go to waste once you take out everything inside them. Hence, many people prefer using reusable grocery bags instead of plastic bags. You also need to do the same thing for these reasons.
Plastic bags do not decompose
It takes a long time before plastic bags start to biodegrade. Even when plastic bags decompose with the help of light exposure, they still break down into small toxic particles. Therefore, using these bags is generally a terrible idea.
Recycling plastic bags is costly
If you keep recycling the plastic containers that you already own, it would be great. However, if you decide to donate or sell these plastic bags, it is not necessarily useful. Recycling plastic bags to create new plastic bags costs a lot of money.
Landfills are becoming full
The items that you throw away will most likely end up in landfills. The worst part is that the garbage is starting to pile up because of non-biodegradable items getting thrown out, like plastic. Given the number of plastic bags thrown away all the time, the state of landfills starts to become alarming.
Discarded plastic bags hurt the oceans
It is unfortunate that plastic bags getting thrown away from one country end up washed up on the shore of another country. Add to that the number of marine animals that might get intoxicated because of eating plastic bags.
You want to save the future
The world is becoming more toxic for the future generation. Each day, tons of plastic waste ends up in landfills and washed into the ocean. Marine organisms are dying. Even humans become poisoned. The world starts to look different, and it will only hurt the future generation.
You can try tote bags
Instead of relying on paper and plastic bags, you can use recyclable tote bags. You can use them as many times as you want. They are sturdy and practical. You can bring your tote bag when heading to the grocery store. Some stores may even offer discounts to people who decide to bring a bag with them.
If you are running a business, you can also consider using customised tote bag printing for promotional merchandise. You will be advertising your business, but you will also be helping save the environment. You are giving a product that appeals to a lot of people, but also sending a message that they need to start changing their ways. Using plastic bags for grocery items is not in any way helpful.
It is not yet too late to do something to save the environment. If individuals and businesses take the right steps, such as abandoning the use of plastic, there is still hope left for the future generation.
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