As an athlete, you’re constantly trying to get an edge on the competition. You realize that the more effort you put in during workouts, the greater athlete you’ll become.
However, while working out and eating a healthy diet is important to your overall athletic performance, those simple acts alone are not going to separate you from the pack in any substantial way. If you really want to set yourself above your fellow competitors, you’ll need to start taking workout supplements.
Wondering what kinds of workout supplements you have available to you? You’re reading the right blog post. Here are 8 of the best workout supplements for athletes.
The Best Supplements for Athletes
The following supplements are capable of helping you in your growth as an athlete. While you might not like to use all of them, there is sure to be at least one that you feel comfortable taking and which suits your needs.
1. Creatine
If you’re looking to increase your overall muscle mass and muscle strength, you might consider using creatine. This supplement works to energize the body, allowing it to lift for longer and more intensely than it otherwise could.
While creatine is not a miracle substance (it’s not a replacement for bad eating habits), it can work to optimize an already-solid diet. If you’re an athlete, it’s highly advised that you take it before workouts.
The easiest way to consume creatine is in powder form. Simply add the powder to a beverage of some kind, and drink it right before a workout.
If you wish, you can consume it along with other supplements. Find out more about doing so right now.
2. BCAAs
BCAAs or branch chain amino acids work by better helping the body to produce protein. Consisting of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, branch chain amino acids are essentially muscle-building enhancers.
Ideally used by those who lift heavy weights, BCAAs work terrifically in the rebuilding of broken down muscles. Not only can they help athletes recover more quickly from heavy lifting workouts, but they can also reduce muscle soreness associated with said workouts.
Best consumed as a powder, BCAAs can be easily stirred in with whey or casein protein while making workout shakes. Make sure to consume it both before and after your workouts.
3. Whey Protein
In order to build muscle, athletes must consume adequate amounts of protein. While it’s more than possible to obtain adequate amounts of protein through regular food consumption, some athletes struggle to do so.
What can these athletes use as a protein supplement? Whey protein!’
Most easily consumed as a powder, whey protein can be stirred into any liquid imaginable. You can drink it with water, with a sports drink, or in a shake with other supplements.
The best way to use whey protein is by taking it directly for and after your workouts. This way, it can start to regenerate the muscles as soon as they have been broken down.
4. Casein Protein
While whey protein is the most popular type of protein supplement, casein protein has grown in popularity as of late. The difference between the two? Casein protein synthesizes much more slowly than does casein protein.
There is also evidence to suggest that casein protein speeds up the metabolism. This results in both fat burning and weight loss, all while it’s help the muscles to grow.
Coming in powder form, casein protein should be taken between meals and right before bedtime.
5. Vitamin D
In order to build strong muscles, you must possess strong bones. Unfortunately, many human beings are deficient in a vitamin that’s needed to create strong bones, Vitamin D.
The good thing, however, is that you can buy Vitamin D in easily-consumable pill form. Take a few Vitamin D pills throughout the day, and you’ll have no trouble meeting your daily needs.
6. Fish Oil
One of the best supplements for endurance athletes is fish oil. Containing a great deal of omega-3 fatty acids, this supplement works to energize the body, not only providing it with a physical and mental kick but helping to soothe and rebuild the muscles within it as well. An anti-inflammatory substance, it is also believed to regulate heart rate and blood pressure.
Fish oil is available in a variety of forms. However, it’s most easily-consumable in capsule form. Just pop a capsule with every meal throughout the day.
7. Caffeine
Most of us are brought up with the idea that caffeine is bad for us. And, to a certain extent, that’s true. However, that’s only the case if you’re not consuming it in moderation.
For example, if you’re downing 5 cans of pop every day, you’re going to experience caffeine crashes. These are not going to help you in your workouts. In fact, they’re going to be detriments.
However, if you’re just getting a quick shot of caffeine right before a workout, it can be hugely beneficial. Caffeine can raise energy levels substantially, allowing you to put your all into every workout you have.
8. Glutamine
If you’re lifting heavy and trying to gain a ton of muscle in a short amount of time, you could probably benefit from glutamine. This is a supplement which regulates the body’s acid balance, aiding in muscle replenishment after workouts.
While it won’t work as a replacement for whey protein, it can work as a terrific complement to whey protein. This is especially true in cases where athletes are trying to build muscle while also losing weight.
If you’re going to use glutamine, you should mix it with whey and consume it in a workout shake before and after your workouts.
Find More Useful Exercise Tips!
And there they are, the best supplements for athletes. Each of the supplements discussed above can be a huge factor in taking your athleticism to the next level.
Looking for more useful exercise and workout tips? If so, you can find them right here at MyZeo. Our site is jam-packed with fitness information, helping you to transform your body and optimize your overall well-being.
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