Pests are a common problem in residential homes with annual billing totaling $7.47 billion. Having pests in your home can compromise the structure of your home and your health. Plus, a pest infestation makes your home feel dirty.
Looking to get pests out of your home? Get control of the situation. Discover five simple pest control tips to keep pesky pests away now.
1. Wash and Watch Your Produce
As soon as you get home with produce, wash immediately. There could be fruit fly eggs attached that you can’t see. You can wash with a mix of water and baking soda to kill any eggs and also remove any pesticides.
Keep an eye on that produce. You don’t want to let it get overly ripe because fruit flies can’t resist. A fruit fly infestation is tough to manage.
2. Keep Your Kitchen Clean
You have to keep your kitchen clean in addition to managing your produce. Crumbs on the floor is an invitation to insects and rodents you don’t want as roommates.
Be sure you wipe your counters often, put food away, sweep your floors, and take out the trash regularly.
3. Seal All Cracks
You don’t want it to be too easy for pests to get into your home. This means you need to do a check to make sure there are no holes for easy entry. You should inspect your screens, windows, and doors for any gaps, and replace any stripping if you find a gap.
Mice are notorious for finding little holes or cracks. Be sure you also check where any gas pipes enter your home, pipes under sinks, and behind your washer and dryer. Also, look around your garage for any holes.
4. Proper Outdoor Maintenance
If you have firewood, do not store it next to your home or shed, and do not store it inside your home for long periods. This gives termites and other insects an easy access point. Firewood should be at least five feet from your structures to be safe, and you should also consider storing it on racks above ground for additional safety.
Be sure to maintain your yard and landscape and don’t let things get too overgrown. Keep tree branches away from the home to prevent ants and termites from taking a bridge into your home. Clean your gutters regularly to prevent any build-up.
When you bring something inside like furniture or a plant, be sure you inspect it closely and clean it. You don’t want to bring in uninvited house guests!
5. Use a Pest Control Service
You may want to consider hiring a pest control service, like 5 Star Environments LLC, to come out regularly to spray and prevent rodents and insect infestations. These professionals can also inspect for any damage and give you additional advice on preventing pests from entering your home.
Pest Control Tips Final Thoughts
No one wants uninvited house guests, especially if they are insects or rodents. Follow these pest control tips and check out our page for other valuable advice like how to declutter to keep your home clean, comfortable and pest-free!
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