You’ve finally got your awesome new place all on your own. It looks a little bare though.
You need some amazing bachelor pad ideas to make sure your visitors don’t feel like they’re walking into a vacant apartment. Continue reading this article to learn how to turn your new place into the ultimate man cave.
Boss Bachelor Pad Ideas
You bought the hot property for sale and it’s all yours — but what now? You only have one time to make first impressions. The same rings true for your new place.
Spring for a Sofa
Say no to the futon. Futons are not the most comfortable thing for you and your guests.
Instead — spring for a sofa!
Make sure it is big enough to fit the crowd you plan on inviting over but also don’t forget to test it for comfort.
Hello Headboard
Let me guess that your bed doesn’t have a headboard right now. That may be fine for you but if you want to take your apartment to the next level then you’re going to need a headboard.
Curtains, Anyone?
If you only have blinds (or nothing) on your windows, not only is your apartment going to sound all echoy, it’s also going to look like a boring wasteland. Use the curtains to bring some personality into your place.
You don’t have to get fancy with your curtains. You can even put blackout curtains which are especially helpful if you work late nights and sleep in during the mornings.
Rugs can spice up your new place. You can choose different shapes of rugs and strategically place them around your apartment.
You should make sure there is something holding down your rugs or that you have them properly secured in another way or you are creating a trip hazard. No one enjoys coming to the house of the walking rugs.
Nice Towels
When you walk into a friend’s bathroom, the first thing you look at is their towels. They are right there in your face and if they are tattered and torn — you’re going to notice.
If you have people over to your house, they won’t want to dry their hands on your ragged towels. Spend a little extra money and get nice towels that your friends won’t be afraid of when they go to use the facilities.
Get Real Cups
Do people come over to your house to drink out of red solo cups as they did in college? Most likely not.
Get some real cups, you know the kind — those that you can wash and reuse.
If you and your friends are prone to accidents, you might not want to get glass cups but even plastic cups can look nice.
Get More Ideas for Your New Place
Now that you have these great bachelor pad ideas, you likely want to do more to make your place your pal’s favorite hangout.
Go through our articles to learn more about living the ultimate bachelor lifestyle and other fun topics.
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