On the way to saying “Hello World”? It’s a long path to becoming a coder, and it starts with the small stuff.
Coding is one of the most relevant skills you can develop in our modern world. After all, everything’s digital now — and that means there’s code behind it.
Learning code isn’t for everyone, though, and even dedicated enthusiasts will have to put in some serious hours to understand it.
But that doesn’t mean learning code has to take a lifetime.
Here’s how to learn coding fast.
Break It Til You Make It
Once you’ve got the basics down, looking at someone else’s code can help give you a sense of how it all fits together. Like learning a language, you’ll start to understand bits and pieces of what you’re seeing.
The more code you see, the more it’ll make sense to you. And by taking code apart to see how it works, you can begin to gain a deeper appreciation of the cause-and-effect in play.
Tools of the Trade
When you build a car, you don’t reinvent the wheel. Finding existing tools and libraries can help you make anything you want to do that much easier.
For instance, an Excel .Net library will unlock new options to pick apart Excel Spreadsheet files. Tools like these mean you can spend more time coding and less time working out how to get where you want to go.
Goal for It
Breaking down one large task into small, measurable goals is the best way to complete any project. And learning anything, including coding, is really a project in disguise.
So set yourself some small goals. Whether it’s putting together a simple mod for your favorite video game or a simple app that will print your name, a goal will give you something to work towards.
String enough goals together, and you’ll soon complete the project of learning to code. And you get the satisfaction of hitting your targets along the way!
Love What You Do
While passion for a project isn’t everything, it can really help you push through early failures.
Finding a simple coding project related to something you love can help you connect with the work you’re doing. And at the end of it, you may even have a result you’ll cherish.
A Lesson From Ms. Takes
Real pros know that you don’t advance without mistakes. Mistakes are how you keep learning, whether you’ve been coding for a few months or a few decades.
When you make mistakes, take a look at what went wrong. There’s always a lesson in there somewhere, even if it’s something simple. For instance, it could be a reminder to keep better notes or to double-check your work.
How to Learn Coding Fast: The Right Way
If you’ve been wondering how to learn coding fast, you have your answer. Using these simple tips, you can become a coding wizard in no time flat — so long as you’re ready to put in some work.
Check out our lifestyle section to hack together the code for a better you.
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