Studies show that the majority of people view lawyers as cold, ruthless, and untrustworthy.
But is there any truth to this stereotype? And if so, how can you know if your lawyer really cares about you and your case?
It’s a lot to unpack, but we’re doing just that below. Keep reading as we clear up a few common misconceptions about lawyers and explore ways in which you can tell if a lawyer may be lying to you.
Clearing up Common Misconceptions
Before we explore some telltale signs that your lawyer is lying to you, it’s important to clear up a few common misconceptions.
For instance, some people believe that it’s legal for a lawyer to lie, even under oath.
But to lie under oath is to commit a serious crime known as perjury. Under perjury codes, a person found guilty may be punished with fines, prison time, or both.
What’s more, the majority of lawyers are honest, hardworking people who genuinely want to help you win your case and it’s exceedingly rare for a lawyer to lie to a client.
While TV shows and movies portray lawyers as dishonest or shady, you’ll find that most legal experts are nothing like Saul Goodman or Bob Loblaw.
How to Know When Your Lawyer Is Lying to You
Consulting a lawyer for the first time can be a confusing experience.
It can be hard to tell when a lawyer is being dishonest with you. But you’re spending good money for their legal services and deserve only the best. Why go into debt for someone who doesn’t have your best interest at heart?
Here are some ways to tell if your lawyer might not be telling you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
You Have a Bad Feeling About Them
At the end of the day, there’s no better indicator that something’s off than your gut feeling. Intuition is a very real, science-backed phenomenon based on analytical thinking, past experiences, and subconscious reasoning.
What about your lawyer seems dishonest? Is there any evidence that backs up your feelings?
While your gut won’t be right 100% of the time, you owe it to yourself to at least analyze your intuition.
You Can’t Check Their Referrals
Your lawyer should have plenty of satisfied clients that are willing to vouch for their services.
But if you ask for referrals and your lawyer responds with a blank stare or a panicked expression, they may not have the experience they claim.
They Miss Deadlines and Meetings
You’re placing a lot of trust in your lawyer. At the very least, they should be able to meet basic deadlines and show up to scheduled meetings.
Remember, your lawyer works for you. If they aren’t fulfilling their end of the bargain, there’s no harm in firing them and seeking a better, more honest lawyer who will take your case seriously.
You Can’t Get in Touch with Them
There may be times where your lawyer misses your call or takes a while to respond to your email. That’s understandable.
However, if they don’t call you back on a regular basis or seem dodgy about the details of your case, it’s clear they’re not worth your time and money.
Find a Quality Lawyer
It’s a sad fact that some lawyers are dishonest. They don’t care about winning your case, just what’s in your checkbook.
If you’re considering consulting a lawyer, make sure to keep these tips in mind.
Think you may have a case? Click here to read our guide to starting a medical negligence case.
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