Your teenager may still seem like an innocent child in your eyes, but did you know that 50 percent of teens have misused drugs at least once in their lives?
While occasional drinking and smoking may not seem like a big deal, it can quickly lead to some dire consequences.
In fact, 74 percent of adults currently participating in drug and alcohol treatment programs started using before the age of 17.
In other words, teenage drug use is definitely not something that should be taken lightly.
So, if you think your child needs to go to a teenage rehabilitation treatment center, what should you do? How should you broach the subject?
Talking to your teen about their drug problem is not easy. That’s exactly why we’ve created this guide.
Read on to learn how to get your child into a teenage rehabilitation treatment center.
Confront Them in a Calm Manner
Yelling at your teenager about their drug problem isn’t going to do any good.
In fact, this just increases the chances of them lashing out at you and ignoring your demands.
Instead, approach your teenager in a calm manner. Don’t be accusatory. Instead, simply tell them that you’ve noticed the changes in their behavior and their performance at school.
Once you’ve put the idea of rehab out there, give your child the opportunity to speak. You want the conversation about rehab to be dialogue, not a lecture.
Present It In the Right Way
If you present rehab as a punishment, your child is going to respond with resentment and hesitancy.
Remember, for many people, drug abuse is fueled by the disease of addiction. In other words, your teen may not be using drugs to rebel against you or to seem cool- they might be using drugs because they have a serious problem that needs treatment.
Therefore, it’s important to present rehab as an opportunity instead of a punishment. It’s an opportunity for your teen to nip their problem in the bud early and to get back on a path to success.
Come in With the Facts
Your teen may be reluctant to go to rehab because they think it’s scary. There’s a fear of the unknown that could very well be holding them back.
To combat this fear, it’s best to provide your teen with as much information as possible about the rehab facility you’ve chosen.
Talk to your teen about what their daily routine will look like, the other types of people who will be attending, how long they’ll be there, and the different types of professionals they’ll have the chance to work with.
The more your teen knows going in, the more likely they are to participate.
If you don’t know what rehab will be like for them, you can get the details here.
Are You Ready to Enroll Your Child in a Teenage Rehabilitation Center?
By following these tips, it will be much easier to get your child into a teenage rehabilitation center.
If you have any questions about these tips, we encourage you to comment below.
And, if you don’t think rehab is the right decision for your child, check out this guide to learn how hypnosis can also help fight drug use and addiction.
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