Detail view of luxury beautiful hot tub for relaxing, with decoration, towels, bottle of wine in nice interior.
With more than 7.3 million operating hot tubs in the US all year long, people look forward to a comfortable and clean hot tub relaxation time. But if your hot tub looks a bit grubby, you can take a few steps on how to clean a hot tub to keep it sterile during your downtime.
Not only is a filthy hot tub unsightly, but unclean water can lead to many health problems. There are a couple of different cleaning methods, but what is the best way to enjoy the hot tub worry-free?
Keep reading for some hot tub cleaning tips that every homeowner who purchased one this year should know.
The Basic Steps on How to Clean Your Hot Tub
If you have a hot tub, you know that keeping it clean is important. Here are some basic steps on how to clean your hot tub:
Clean Your Filters
Know what type of filter you have to get started on how to clean a hot tub. You must clean it every month or so, depending on your filter type.
If you have a cartridge or paper filter, you must take it out, rinse or replace it. Drying your filters is recommended before putting them back in your hot tub. Never use pressure water on your filters to avoid damage.
Drain Your Hot Tub and Scrub Thoroughly
Before cleaning a hot tub, drain all the water before scrubbing it with soap and water. You can clean it more often if you want to. Ensure you don’t use an abrasive cleaner on the shell of your tub.
Clean The Jets and Lines of Your Tub
The best hot tub cleaning tip we recommend is to ensure you don’t forget to scrub down the jets with a brush. Be sure to get all the nooks and crannies!
Consider flushing the lines of your tub, too, while you’re at it. Check and clean the filters and have them checked by a hot tub electrician. That will be an excellent way to check your hot tub’s condition.
Why Is It Important to Clean Your Hot Tub?
From a scientific standpoint, cleaning your hot tub is essential because it’s a breeding ground for bacteria. When you don’t clean your hot tub, the bacteria can cause skin infections, respiratory illnesses, and other health problems. Also, a dirty hot tub is unsightly and can be a turnoff for potential buyers if you decide to sell your home.
When to Call a Professional
If you are unsure how to clean your hot tub properly, it is best to reach out to a professional. They will have the necessary knowledge and equipment to do the job correctly.
This will also ensure that you do not inadvertently damage your hot tub. A professional will also be able to clean your hot tub, which you may not be able to do on your own.
Learn How To Clean A Hot Tub for the Best Relaxation Experience
Focusing on how to clean a hot tub properly is essential to maintaining sanitization levels and ensuring that the tub is safe to use. Cleaning a hot tub properly prevents bacteria growth and provides the hot tub is safe to use.
Hot tubs should be cleaned at least once a week and more often if used frequently. The best way to clean a hot tub is to use a hot tub cleaner and a brush to scrub the inside.
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