Does anyone at your office work at a standing desk? Did you initially think they looked like an idiot, but now your aching back has you reconsidering the wisdom of it?
Yea, you should rethink that. A recent survey of U.S. HR departments found that 44% are now providing funds for employees to purchase and use standing desks at work!
Now you’re really wanting one, eh? Here’s a motivating list of 9 benefits of standing desks that are sure to get you on your feet.
1. Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease
If heart disease runs in your family, (and even if it doesn’t), it can be a scary prospect if you’re employed in an office where you sit most of the day.
Fortunately, standing desks can help combat the negative health effects of sitting for hours.
Many scientists have found that even hitting the gym after work for an hour of intense exercise might still not be enough to produce a healthy heart if you still most of the day.
This is why standing desks and standing desk accessories are essential tools in warding off heart disease. Sedentary occupations don’t give your heart the opportunity to pump and exert itself like active jobs.
You may not be able to switch careers, but you can definitely get on your feet more while working by using a standing desk.
2. Get an Energy Boost
It’s 2 o’clock, lunch is over and the afternoon sleepiness is setting in. It’s the worst time of your work day for productivity, but you’ve got a project due by 5 p.m. What do you do to boost your energy?
Stand up!
Next to guzzling-down loads of caffeine, (which has other negative effects on your health), getting out of your chair is the next best way to get an energy boost.
Standing at your desk is a great way to get your blood flowing. This not only tells your body it’s time for action, but your brain gets a burst of energy as fresh blood is pumped in.
3. Improve Your Mood
Individuals who maintain a mostly sedentary lifestyle tend to suffer more frequent bouts of the blues or even depression.
If you tend to struggle with feeling slightly “blah,” at the end of a long day of sitting, or really feel that your mental health could be affected by your inactive workplace, try a standing desk.
While it can’t cure clinical depression, it can help change things up and improve your outlook simply by getting you out of your seat more during the day.
4. Lower Your Blood Sugar
If you ask most health professionals, they’ll tell you that super high spikes in blood sugar levels after eating is not a good sign.
Those with insulin resistance or who struggle with type 2 diabetes are especially susceptible to spikes. One great method for lowering your blood sugar after your lunch break is to stay on your feet.
Some studies even indicate that staying on your feet following a meal can lower your blood sugar levels by over 40%.
5. Stay Trim
It’s common knowledge that to lose weight you must burn more calories than you consume. Taking a 60-minute jog around the block is going to burn more calories than standing at your desk, sure.
But, standing at your desk for 30 minutes every hour is going to burn a lot more calories than sitting for 8 hours a day.
In fact, if you choose to stand at your desk every afternoon instead of sitting, you can burn around 165 extra calories a day.
Burn an extra 165 calories a day for a month, and you’re looking at around 3,300 extra calories gone!
6. Alleviate Back Pain
Unless you work from home and can take frequent breaks from sitting, even the most comfortable desk chair will inevitably cause discomfort or even back pain.
In fact, one of the most frequent complaints of office employees is that of aches and pains in their back.
Standing desks take pressure off your neck and back that can occur with poor posture from sitting for extended periods of time.
Getting on your feet to break up the workday gives the muscles and joints in your back and neck a break to relieve kinks or improper positioning. Muscles have a chance to stretch, readjust and even get a load off as you reposition yourself and stand upright.
7. Motivate More Action
One benefit of a standing desk that few consider is the added motivation being on your feet lends to further movement.
Standing makes it easier to walk over to a colleague’s desk and ask a question, instead of just shooting off an email.
While standing, you’re more likely to tap your feet, bounce or walk in place, talk a walk to the drinking fountain. All this extra movement keeps your mind fresh and helps burn a few extra calories as well.
Making a conscious effort to be more active by using a standing desk, can promote further active health choices. You may be more motivated to start biking to work, take the stairs versus the elevator, or walk to your favorite lunch spot instead of drive.
8. Promote Collaboration
Major companies like Google and Apple have taken a more open, active approach to company workspaces. The results? More collaboration among team members, and happier employees.
Just think about it? If you’re on your feet at your desk, it’s easier to talk to Joe across the cubicle wall.
You’re more apt to see people, converse, ask questions, and share ideas if your head isn’t bent low over a keyboard.
9. “Live Long and Prosper”
With the combination of all these great benefits of standing desks, studies have indicated that people who spend more time on their feet and less time sitting still can add 2 or more years to their lifespan.
So do yourself a favor and stand up.
More Benefits of Standing Desks
As if these 9 benefits of standing desks weren’t enough, here’s a little more to chew on. Like we mentioned above, many HR departments are now willing to cough up the funds to pay for your own adjustable standing desk.
So, find a quality standing desk or accessories and simply let your HR rep know you’d like to improve your health by using one. They just might buy it for you.
For more tips and healthy lifestyle hacks, check out our blog.
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