Mental illness has been highly stigmatized in America, but it’s far from uncommon. In fact, suicide rates are on the rise nationwide. This is undoubtedly fueled by the high number of people suffering from mental health issues who never receive treatment.
While medication is an option for treating many cases, it is by no means the only method. Psychotherapy has been proven to be an efficacious way to help people learn how to talk, work, and think their way through their issues.
There are also types of therapy that have little to do with mental illness, but can still contribute to your overall happiness. Continue reading to learn about some different types of therapy and how they can help you.
Personal therapy
Psychotherapy is commonly referred to as “talk therapy” because you talk out your issues with the aim of getting to the root of them and overcoming them. Through personal therapy, you can explore the thoughts that are catalyzing your feelings with the help of a qualified specialist.
It operates on the premise that if you can change how you think, you will change how you feel and improve your mental state. As you learn more about your triggers, you will learn how to combat negative thoughts with ones that build your levels of comfort and confidence.
Couples therapy
Relationships can be the most rewarding part of your life when things are going well, and when they aren’t, they’re emotionally taxing. No one gets in a relationship expecting it to go tumultuously, but sometimes that’s exactly what happens. While you may talk to your friends about it when things are at a fever pitch, you should get the outside perspective of a professional.
If you’re in a same-sex relationship, then you likely have even more pressure on your relationship than what is considered normal. On top of the typical problems that can arise in relationships like finances and communication, there are the added societal strains. Many relationship therapists provide gay couples counseling to specifically deal with the difficulties associated with same-sex relationships.
Behavior therapy
The science of the human psyche is more advanced now than ever before, and such being the case, there are more specialized treatments. Behavior therapy was introduced in the mid-twentieth century, and has grown leaps and bounds since. It focuses on the habits that are triggered by mental health issues such as nervous ticks or obsessive-compulsive behavior.
In the past, therapists would subject their patients to the conditions that triggered their negative behaviors and force them to learn to cope. While this method is still used today, it is more commonly coupled with cognitive therapy. Through cognitive behavioral therapy, people learn to recognize their triggers and how to mitigate them before they are affected. Using these methods, they’re able to overcome habits that they may find embarrassing and isolating.
Career counseling
As mentioned, not all forms of therapy are aimed at treating mental illness. Career counseling aims to help people find the right career or to advance within their chosen field of industry.
If you are feeling unfulfilled in your current work life, career counseling is worth a shot. Washington D.C. is one of the busiest cities in the country no matter what industry you’re in. This means that work is liable to take up a large portion of your time. As such, if it makes you unhappy, then it affects your whole life.
A career counselor can help you decide whether you should switch careers or just make adjustments to progress in your current one. Through psychotherapy and tests that gauge your aptitude and interests, they can point you in the right occupational direction.
Many have found that with proper treatment and the love of their family and friends, they are able to get back to enjoying life. Whether you need help with your relationship, your career, or even your day to day, consider these various types of therapies as resources readily available to you. Call your local therapist and schedule a consultation. You may find it to be the best decision you ever made.
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