Mathematics is a subject that several students do not find easy. The new teacher that wants to pass the message across to the students must be creative in his or her approach so that the objective of teaching the subject in the first place will be achieved. Here are excellent tips for those that are new in the teaching of the subject:
· Appreciate the critical and honest efforts of your students. When they get the answer t a question wrong, do not frown at them. This will discourage them in the subject.
· Take control of discipline in the class. If you want to achieve the results that mattered, there should be a price on discipline that you have to pay. It is best to use two periods to address the issue of discipline right from the start that to build your structure on the sand.
· Devise means of controlling the noise level in the class. If there is too much noise, it will distract from the objective of teaching.
· Vary the activities in the class. Too much of routine will make your class boring. A lot of students use math services ‘cause they don’t like assignments.
· One of the best ways to teach students is to make them involved in the process. Call them to the front of the class to assume the role of the teacher. You will carry all the students along through this method.
· The approach that will yield the results that mattered should be flexible. If you place strict rules against the chewing of gum in class; you can as well close your eyes to this during test periods.
· Spell out the topics that will come up during the next test. This will go all the way to help the students in their desire to obtain the highest grades on offer. When you tell them to study a particular chapter, it will never be enough.
· Mathematics in some schools is a subject whereby students are grouped in a homogeneous group.
· If a student has been present in class but missed a test; then make provision for a make-up test. Immediately the student shows up in school, tell him or her the date of the make-up test. This date should not be more than three days time frame. If the student has missed part of the materials taught, then you have to give him or her the deadline to cover the grounds lost before giving out the test. Never penalize your student for missing a test. If they still fail to meet up with the make-up test; then you can wield the big stick.
· Use the method of front loading at the beginning of the fresh school calendar. Students are more willing to accept new ideas at this point. This is more productive than reviewing past work.
· Give awards to reward good efforts as well as good academics.
· Teach your students good problem-solving skills.
· You must work towards earning the respect of all the students. This will put you in total control of the class. When your students see that you are fair to everyone in the class; you are going to earn the respect of all.
· There will be difficult issues to contend with. In the event of that; in that case, get the administrators involved in other to get a soft landing. You can ask them to be present in conferences with difficult parents.
The path for you as a new mathematics teacher will be rosy if you can apply the tricks that we have so far discussed above.
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