It can be terrifying to feel out of control of your own life.
But it’s a feeling that many Americans feel each year. Over twenty-one million Americans struggle with substance addiction of some kind each year. Some of these individuals manage to overcome their addiction. Some die from it.
Asking for help can be terrifying too.
Many individuals struggling with addiction choose to try to get clean themselves instead of opening up their battle to others. But getting clean on your own can be incredibly difficult. Rehab centers and rehabilitation programs can offer huge help to an individual in trouble.
Is rehab the right choice for you? Read on, and we’ll walk you through five signs that you should seek rehab treatment right away.
1. Loved Ones Have Expressed Concern
Many people are oblivious to or in denial of their own addiction. Healthy or acceptable behavior can quickly dovetail into addiction without the user realizing, especially with legal and socially acceptable substances like alcohol.
One of the most essential tell-tale signs is the perception of others, which is likely more reliable than our own. If a loved one has expressed concern about your alcohol or drug use, it’s not something to just shrug off.
It’s easy to get defensive or even angry when approached in such a way. But understand that your loved one is just looking out for your best interests. It likely took a lot of courage for them to address you in this way, and thus they truly must believe that the problem is serious.
Even if you disagree with them, take the time to consider what in your behavior could have prompted such a belief. If more than one loved one has expressed the same concern, it is likely time to look into rehabilitation.
2. You Use Substances To Cope
In determining if rehab is needed or not, it’s best to look at the reasons behind your use of substances. When pressed, many individuals realize they’re not using drugs or alcohol just to have a ‘good time.’ The reasons are sometimes much more insidious.
Many people become addicted to substances as a result of self-medication. Self-medication is a behavioral trend in which an individual uses a mind or mood altering substance to manage a negative feeling, experience, or emotion.
In this way, heavy reliance is built on the back of the substance in question. The user finds it hard to deal with their life without it. And this addiction only furthers the vicious cycle, as their addiction causes more pain and problems to enter their personal lives.
If you’re considering whether or not you need rehab, think about your reasons for drinking or doing drugs before engaging.
3. You’re Hiding Your Substance Abuse
Plenty of people claim they have good reasons for hiding their drinking or drug use habits. They want to enjoy their “Me time,” or don’t want others in their business. They don’t want to do it in front of their children but think it’s fine to do on their own.
But nine out of ten times, if you feel the need to be secretive about your drug or alcohol use, it’s probably a big sign you have a problem. The impulse or desire to hide or privatize your actions is usually a sign of inner guilt or shame.
Your mind on some level knows something is wrong and doesn’t want others to catch sight. If you’re leaving your family, hiding in the bathroom, or heading out to far away locations just to get a hit, it might mean you have a problem.
Even public spaces like a bar might serve as a hideaway if no one there is connected to your ‘real’ life. If you’re leaving your home to spend time in a bar every night, it might mean you need to check into an Alcohol Rehab Center.
4. You’re Neglecting Responsibility
There are some people out there that are functional addicts. These people’s addictions don’t impact their ability to perform their daily lives. But they are the exception to the rule: in most cases, substance abuse and addiction will quickly degrade an individual’s ability to properly run their life.
If you’ve noticed a decline in your performance at work or at home, that’s a strong sign that substance abuse is taking a toll.
Drugs and alcohol affect your ability to think clearly. They can cause memory problems, mood swings, and lower engagement with the world around you.
As a result of these effects, one may find themselves failing to meet certain standards of responsibility. This change may be gradual or incredibly rapid. If you’ve noticed or have been alerted to changes in your performance, it may time to accept help.
5. Tolerance Has Risen
When you first start taking a certain substance, your body can feel the effects off even a small amount. But as you get more accustomed to the substance, your body develops a certain tolerance.
This means you’ll have to make larger quantities of the substance in order to feel the effect of the substance. This is true for alcohol, medication, and all drugs.
This is an extremely dangerous situation to get into. Many individuals struggling with addiction continue to take higher and higher dosages of their respective substances. These larger requirements can take quite a financial toll.
But even more seriously, the higher quantities greatly increase the possibility of fatal overdose. You need to get help and detox your body immediately.
Five Signs You Need Rehab Treatment
Drug and alcohol abuse affects so many people across the country.
It can be hard to admit when you have a problem, and even harder still to ask for help with it. But if you’ve noticed the signs above, it is likely more than time to seek rehab treatment for your addiction.
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