Did you know that half of Americans don’t wash their faces? Are you one of them? If so, it might be time to upgrade your skincare routine.
If you don’t know how to take care of your skin, this is the best time to learn! There are more products than ever to keep your skin silky and smooth, and skincare is all the rage.
We’re here with a few quick skincare tips to get you started. Read on to learn more.
Protect Your Skin From Sunlight
This is the #1 most important thing that you can do as far as caring for your skin goes. Sunlight is the enemy.
Yes, you should get some sunlight exposure to get valuable vitamin D, but you should still wear sunscreen and protect your skin with clothing when it’s possible to do so.
The sun emits dangerous UV rays. These rays can lead to sunburn, rapid aging, and even skin cancer. The sun can damage your skin regardless of your skin tone, so it’s always better to be safe rather than sorry.
Create a Personalized Skincare Routine
Do you get overwhelmed when you see “skincare gurus” on the web? They use so many products! How many of those products do you actually need?
Everyone’s skin is different. What you need won’t be the same as what someone else needs. Develop a personalized skincare routine through trial and error (and a bit of research).
You can take a hint from Korean 10-step skincare routines, but don’t feel the need to follow every step to a T. For the most part, you’re going to want sunscreen, moisturizer, cleanser, and potentially some helpful actives, like retinol.
Once you have a routine that works, you can start adding in “extras” like toners and exfoliants. As you learn more about your skin, choosing products will get easier.
You Are What You Eat
Did you know that the food you eat can impact your skin? That’s right, if you want your skin to look its best, make sure that your nutrition is on point too.
Make sure that you’re staying hydrated. Water is what keeps your body running, so if you want to maintain plump and hydrated skin, you can’t skip your 8 glasses per day.
Omega 3 fatty acids are great for skin health. You can find them in walnuts, algae oil, and fatty fish. Speaking of fats, don’t skip out on healthy fats, like fat from avocados and peanut butter.
Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that can add another layer of protection against sun exposure (though you still shouldn’t skip your sunscreen). It’s available in several foods, but sweet potatoes have plenty of it!
Here’s a list of other foods that are great for your skin.
Pay Attention to Irritants
Do you ever get a bit red or itchy and just try to ignore it? Don’t do that! This could be a sign of contact dermatitis. This is an allergic or irritant reaction to something that you’ve come in contact with.
This could be your skincare products, hair care products, or even something that you brushed up against. If it happens after wearing clothes, it could be the result of your harsh laundry detergent!
Pay attention to what bothers your skin and start swapping things out when they bother you. For example, you may swap your old laundry detergent for a brand like Dinobi detergent. Your skin will thank you.
That’s How to Take Care of Your Skin
Taking care of your skin is essential. Start learning how to take care of your skin while it’s still in good condition. You’ll have glowing, healthy, and soft skin for decades to come.
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