For most homeowners, protecting their house from water damage is one of their biggest priorities. With homeowners insurance covering only certain types of damage, the more you can take care of yourself, the better.
Gutter cleaning is one of the most important things you can do to keep your house in good shape. But should you handle it on your own?
The answer is definitely not! Hiring professional cleaning crews is in your best interest. Here’s why:
1. It’s Dirty Work
It should come as no surprise that cleaning your gutters means getting dirty.
Leaves break down and decompose into a dark sludge. Rodents and insects leave droppings behind. And storms kick up a lot of dust, dirt, and debris that collects in the gutters.
Cleaning them means getting elbow deep in all that gunk. For some homeowners, especially those just exiting the rental market, that’s more than they’re willing to take.
When you hire a professional, they’ll handle the dirt and gunk for you. The debris in your gutters gets contained and hauled away for good.
Once they’re done, they’ll take the time to clean the area around their ladder, the trash bins, and any residue their tools left behind. All you’ll need to do is breathe a sigh of relief and admire your home’s clean exterior.
2. Hidden Water Damage Causes Major Problems
So, what if you’re okay with getting a little dirty? That’s great! But do you know the signs of water damage?
Remember, your gutters funnel runoff and snowmelt to a designated drainage area. To do this, they have to be in good condition. If the gutters get bent out of shape, warped, or damaged, that water drips down the side of your home or collects at the base of your roof.
When left unrepaired, this can lead to major water damage and costly repairs.
Unfortunately, most of that damage isn’t easy to see. It takes a trained eye to know what to look for.
Handling gutter cleaning on your own can mean you’ll miss some of those hard-to-spot signs of water damage. Pros know what to watch for and can spot the signs before you develop an active leak inside the house.
Even better, they can make repairs quickly so you can focus on enjoying your home rather than worrying about water damage from bad gutters.
3. Professional Gutter Cleaning Protects Your Foundation
You know that gutter cleaning protects your roof and your siding. But did you know that it also protects your home’s foundation?
When water runs down the side of your house and collects in the soil, it slowly seeps into the ground. Over time, the water can soak into your foundation, weakening the structural integrity of your house.
At best, you’ll have minor cracks that are easy to patch and repair. But at worst, you could have shifting foundations, cracks in the drywall, and flooding in your basement.
When your gutters are clean and in good shape, they’ll keep most of the water away from your foundation. The dryer your foundation, the better off your home will be.
4. Saves You Money in the Long-Run
Water damage costs a lot of money to fix when it’s isolated. Now imagine how expensive it will be to replace a water-damaged roof, install new siding, and fix your foundation all at once!
That’s a lot of dough running out of your bank account! Having your gutters professionally cleaned will help save you on home repairs month after month.
Think of it this way: you’re paying for an expert to examine and repair your gutters before any water has a chance to soak into the roofing and siding materials.
This means those materials will last longer. The longer they last, the less you pay in repairs and replacements. You may pay for the appointment a few times a year, but the cost of clean gutters is far less than installing a new roof!
5. Frees up Your Spare Time
You have better things to do with your spare time than fighting with ladders and struggling with your home’s gutter system. When you hire professional gutter cleaners, you’ll be able to use your spare time as you see fit.
They’ll handle the cleaning and repairs whenever it’s most convenient for you. This means fewer wasted weekends and more time to spend doing the things that you enjoy doing most.
If you’re not sure what to expect from a professional gutter repair and cleaning appointment, check out this reliable site.
6. Pros Are More Thorough
Your gutters need to get cleaned out completely. This means removing all of the debris to inspect the materials for damage and make any necessary repairs.
When you’re doing it on your own, it’s easy to call it “good enough” and leave buildup in the gutter system. Unfortunately, this puts your home at risk for damage.
The more buildup in your gutters, the more likely they are to get clogged. And once they’re clogged, water will have to find a different place to collect and drain off the roof.
Pros make sure to get rid of all of the leaves, dirt, and debris in the system. This is how they identify weak spots and make the necessary repairs.
And the more thorough the job is, the longer you’ll be able to go between appointments.
7. Leaves Aren’t the Only Things in the Gutters
Do you know what loves leaves and damp dirt? Insects and rodents!
Dirty gutters are some of their favorite habitats. If you clean the gutters on your own, you could encounter some unwanted critters.
Though not always a safety hazard, dealing with them does take training and experience. Professionals know how to deal with critters safely and can help you keep them from coming back once and for all.
Final Thoughts
Gutter cleaning should be part of every homeowner’s regular maintenance routine. For best results, schedule a professional cleaning at least twice a year, once in spring and again before fall. This will keep your gutters free and clear of debris so your home can stay leak-free during extreme weather.
Ready to take control of your home’s maintenance? Check out our latest posts for more helpful tips and keep your home in good condition at all times.
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