CBD use has become a new trend in most of America. With its inclusion across various industries in recent times, people have become more open to consuming CBD oil along with their coffee and applying it to their skin.
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive component found in marijuana. CBD does not produce a euphoric high like THC but still has therapeutic and healthy properties.
CBD is now used to treat illnesses like chronic pain, depression, and anxiety. Among serious illnesses, CBD is used with cancer patients for its pain-reducing properties. Medical professionals have been monitoring CBD’s effect on multiple types of cancer.
The legalization of CBD is a recent affair. With that in mind, CBD is receiving more credit than necessary in these early days.
To put things into perspective, below are 6 ways in which CBD is overrated:
It treats, doesn’t cure:
Although studies have been concluding that CBD oil’s healthy and anti-inflammatory components will ultimately become the future of modern medicine, that may or may not be the case.
Yes, the properties may be promising, but will CBD be the answer to curing diseases Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s, and other critical or terminal illnesses? As of now, we cannot be sure.
People are convinced, even though research has not generated answers with any kind of finality. The truth of the matter is that while CBD oil can relieve pain (and not even all the time), we do not know what else in store for us.
Interaction with other drugs
Studies have shown that CBD oil can be used to reduce chronic pain and other side effects of intense illnesses. While the side effects of CBD itself are mild, its interaction with other drugs is still unknown.
People believe that CBD oil can easily become an alternative to standard medication,
not to mention can be simply taken without regard to what is their human body as of that
A 2017 study has positively proven that CBD for the treatment of epilepsy and psychotic disorders is safe for human consumption. However, the study failed to showcase the effect of CBD oil’s interplay with other drugs on humans.
Not only is there a lack of research on how well CBD can perform without harming the human body, but also people are unaware of CBD’s reactions as compared to those of conventional medicine.
It is still recommended to consult a professional before using CBD, just like any other prescribed form of treatment.
Lack of a conclusion
CBD oil is a hot topic right now, but it is also a controversial one. Some researchers believe in the positive effects of CBD, but others deny its so-called helpful qualities. Some countries, such as Canada, have legalized cannabis, and others have not because of the debatable nature of this discussion.
Even though the majority of people seem to be centered on the positive outlooks of
CBD, authorized organizations have the say to approve a drug and its safety for human
For example, Epidiolex is the only FDA-approved CBD-infused product in the United States. It aids those suffering from seizures and pediatric epilepsy. While the results from this particular drug are amazing, it does not cure epilepsy completely.
The point of the matter is that there is only one product that has been claimed as safe to
use by a respectable organization, while there are thousands upon thousands of other
CBD-infused products that have been tested, but do not have the seal of approval.
It is important to consider this point before deciding whether CBD is worth all of the hype it has generated.
Studies have been mostly conducted with animal models
Research, experiments, and studies centering CBD and its positive outlooks are attempting to showcase its safety for human consumption. Yet, most of the studies conducted have been using animals.
Since most scientists and researchers are not receiving as much permission to utilize humans, they are reserved to use animal models. Most studies that proved the positive effects of CBD on various diseases were conducted using animals.
For example, a 2011 study tested lab rats experiencing arthritis pain with CBD oil to see a reduction in inflammatory properties. While the study was successful, it did not justify fully if it would have a similar impact on humans, without any side-effects.
Even though CBD was used centuries ago on human beings, present
day studies do not provide the full picture.
Until scientists and researchers are given access to using more human participants, it is better not to be too invested in CBD products for serious illnesses.
Does not work every time
CBD oil can be quite random in its effect on humans, and a marginal quantity does not make a huge difference. Hence, there is no guarantee that CBD works perfectly for pain relief.
CBD can be used to treat nausea, vomiting, and other stomach-related issues, but it can also increase those problems to a greater extent. Some of the side effects of CBD alone are diarrhea, fatigue, dizziness, and headaches.
The overall lesson is that CBD does not come with a guarantee, it can work, not work at all or make the symptoms stronger. Although it is not life-threatening, it is volatile in its performance with treating diseases.
CBD alone cannot solve it all
While CBD has given the impression of providing great results on its own, that is not the case.
At some point, people need to increase their dosage of CBD to get a better effect on their pain. Most scientists encourage that CBD should not be taken alone, but with an additional dose of THC when prescribed.
Researchers have discovered a link between preventive measures and protection against the development of several tumor types of cancer, as a result of THC being added into CBD doses.
THC is not legal in the United States. CBD has proven to be a great alternative treatment when to conventional medicine in some cases, but it is not fully effective alone when treating serious illnesses.
In recent times, CBD has been under the radar of the medical industry and authoritative bodies. While it may be effective and harmless, there are plenty of reasons to be cautious before using CBD to treat any form of severe illness.
As it stands right now, the CBD industry is eager to grow. Certain studies have shown promising results but the fact remains that CBD is extremely overrated at the moment. Time will tell whether it can live up to our expectations.
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