What do you do when life gets stressful? Maybe you scream into a pillow. Or, perhaps you go for a long walk to clear your mind.
Sometimes, though, you just want to break up the monotony and try a new method to de-stress.
If you’re looking for a new way to reduce your stress levels, you’ve come to the right place!
In this post, we’ll give you a quick rundown of 5 awesome ways to de-stress, so you can feel better and get back to enjoying your life. After all, you deserve it!
Ready to learn more? Let’s get right into it.
1. Get Some Exercise
Whenever you exercise, whether you enjoy going for a long walk or a quick round of soccer, your body releases endorphins, which boost your mood and promote feelings of euphoria.
And that’s not the only benefit you reap from exercising. Regular exercise not only helps you de-stress, but it also lowers your blood pressure, strengthens your heart, and helps you stay at a healthy weight, all of which can protect you from heart disease.
2. Get a Good Night’s Rest
Sleep affects so many areas of our lives. From our diet to our mood to — you guessed it — our stress levels. So it makes sense that getting an adequate amount of sleep is crucial to staying healthy.
For adults age 26-64, this means getting 7 to 9 hours of quality rest.
There are many tips for a good night’s sleep, such as going to bed around the same time each night, waking up at the same time, and ensuring your bedroom provides a sleep-promoting environment. For more helpful tips, check out this post.
3. Find Time to Unplug
Trying to find things to help you relax can be difficult if you’re carrying a source of your stress with you everywhere!
Find a few minutes every day, even as little as 15, to take a break from your smartphone, emails, and the news. You’ll be glad you did!
4. Get Organized
Ever look around at all the clutter in your home and suddenly feel overwhelmed? Sounds like you need to learn how to de-stress your life.
You can start by using the KonMari Method to get rid of things which no longer spark joy in your life, and then begin organizing all that remains. You’ll be left with a clutter-free, organized home in which each item serves a specific purpose.
5. Try Some CBD
As CBD products continue to rise in popularity, many people are finding that using CBD in its various forms, such as tinctures, oils, or edibles, provides much-needed relief from stress and anxiety.
Find out more about CBD oil and dosage size here.
Say Goodbye to Stress with These 5 Ways to De-Stress
Are you ready to say goodbye to stress for good? Then give one (or two, or three) of these 5 ways to de-stress a try today! You’ll be breathing a sigh of relief in no time.
Want more great health-inspired blog posts, like why sleep is so important? Check out the rest of our blog for these — and so much more!
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