Man about to beat his wife
Are you or someone you know a victim of domestic violence?
The United States is no stranger to cases of domestic violence. It’s a serious occurrence that has been going on for decades. And the bad news is that it seems to continue to rise. While we’ve seen a drop in violent crimes compared to previous years, we’re still way above where we should be.
But what can you do to help? Here are five things you can do to help prevent domestic violence.
1. Know the Signs
Preventing partner violence begins with understanding the signs. Knowing the signs lets you know when to reach out, provide support, and help someone in need.
Signs of domestic violence are often psychological, verbal, physical, and emotional. One of the most common signs of abuse is fear or distress around the abuser.
You can reach out and offer a listening ear if you suspect abuse. You can also offer support and patient guidance.
2. Lend an Ear
Lending an ear is an important way we can all help prevent domestic assault. Listening to victims and survivors of domestic violence can be a life-saving intervention.
It is important to create an environment of openness and trust to truly provide help. You can do this by simply being an available and supportive ear.
You can also as affirm someone’s emotions and experiences. This would be especially helpful to people with relationship PTSD.
3. Know the Number to a Nearby Shelter
Knowing the number of nearby shelters is important to prevent domestic violence. Knowing the number of nearby shelters can be a lifesaver.
With this, victims can get away from an unsafe environment as quickly as possible. This will ensure their safety and possibly the safety of their children.
Everyone should be aware of their local domestic violence shelters. They should also have the number saved somewhere easily accessible.
4. Check In Regularly
Regular check-ins can help prevent domestic violence. By having regular conversations, a person can be mindful of any changes that may be happening.
It can also be beneficial for a person to express their feelings during these check-ins. This is so that any underlying emotions can get identified and addressed. It is important to do this before it complicates the situation.
Through check-ins, a person can stay alert and open to any signs of trouble that may be forming. Be proactive. Simply dropping by and saying hello from time to time can be a great help.
5. Document Any Incident
One can help prevent domestic violence by documenting any incident of abuse. Victims should always keep a record of events. These include threatening language, physical abuse, sexual abuse, controlling behavior, or isolation.
Also, abuse victims should document any financial abuse and collect evidence. Examples of these are emails, text messages, and voicemails. Even the smallest ones can serve as evidence.
They should also take pictures of any physical injuries. You can use the evidence collected to support legal action against the abuser.
Prevent Domestic Violence Today
Domestic violence is an issue that we should not lightly and is capable of taking lives. Taking steps to prevent domestic violence is essential to maintain an environment of safety and respect.
We must come together to fight this epidemic and support those affected. Take action today! Spread awareness and support to those affected by domestic violence.
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