Did you know that page one on Google results page gets around 92 percent of web traffic from the average search?
Therefore, if you want to increase web traffic to your website, you need to know how to get to the top of Google search results.
In this article, we’ll reveal the top 10 ranking factors which can make or break the success of your website. Let’s get started.
1. Website Security and Accessibility
For starters, your website’s URL needs to be recognized by Google algorithm when they crawl the web.
If Google cannot visit your web pages, then it cannot determine the other factors by which to judge your website.
You need to make sure you include a robots.txt file which indicates to Google where your website information is stored.
Also, include a sitemap in which your web pages are listed for crawling. While HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) is not essential, it definitely helps!
You can read more here about how security and accessibility can improve your Google ranking.
2. The Uploading Speed of Your Website
You could have got away with a slow website previously while still ranking high on Google. But nowadays, you’ve got no chance!
Around 47 percent of people expect your website to load in under 2 seconds. A slow loading website is never an enjoyable experience for users.
If you keep your audience waiting around, they’ll quickly get frustrated and go elsewhere.
Every additional second required for your page to load, this results in up to a 7 percent conversion loss.
Since 2010, slow loading speed can also damage your ranking on Google. You can counter slow speeds by removing anything slowing down your website.
3. Link Building Quality
It may appear like a strange suggestion to link to competitor websites. And yet, it’s an important part of rising up Google rankings.
You need to especially concentrate your efforts on building links with websites with authority in your niche.
It’s not about the number of your links. It’s always better to prioritize the quality of your links of the quantity.
You can start link building by linking out to other relevant websites. Then, request a back-link on social media.
It may not work every time. But once in a while, you’ll receive a back-link for an influencer or media giant which significantly boosts your ranking.
4. Quality of Your Content
If you don’t already have a blog, you need to start one immediately. This is the best way to provide search engines with the quality content they crave.
What is quality content?
It is content which your audience actually want to read. You should also include keyword optimization techniques too. If you’re not sure what keywords are relevant for your niche, check out Google Keyword Planner.
Remember also that 72 percent of users are regularly making use of voice search. Therefore, you need your content to reflect natural human speech.
5. Mobile Friendly Website
Mobile device searches have overtaken desktop searches since 2016. Google has recognized the changing behavior of users.
If you’re still making it difficult for users to access your website via mobile devices, then you’re going to be penalized by Google.
Therefore, ensure that your web pages are optimized for mobile friendliness. This means responsiveness which makes it easy to navigate your web pages via smartphone or tablet.
6. The Age of Your Domain Name
60 percent of web pages which rank in the top 10 on Google are more than three years old.
Therefore, if you’ve recently launched your website, then you’re going to struggle to improve your search engine ranking immediately.
You need to be patient and keep plugging away doing the right things to improve your ranking on Google.
7. Social Signals
Social signals also play a role in improving your ranking position on Google results pages. This refers to social interaction metrics on social media websites and platforms.
You need to promote your website via social media channels. If you can encourage your audience to talk about your brand on Facebook, Reddit or Twitter, then this can positively contribute to your SEO.
This can also raise brand awareness which improves your visibility to Google’s algorithm.
8. User Experience
Google’s algorithm is dedicated to improving the user experience. It’s important to recognize that making your website better for users and SEO tactics complement each other. According to 38 percent of users, if your content is unappealing or the design is unattractive, then they’ll leave your website. Therefore, it’s important to make sure your web pages are easy to navigate and enjoyable to look at.
Additionally, if you are running paid campaigns, hiring a PPC expert witness can provide critical insights into your ad performance, optimization strategies, and overall campaign effectiveness. A PPC expert witness can identify gaps in user experience within your paid search funnels, ensuring your ads align with user expectations and lead to optimized landing pages, ultimately driving better results and higher ROI.
9. Tidy up Your Schema
Your schema is the description which appears on Google search results pages. You need to keep your description short and snappy.
But, you also need to appeal to the reader with an eye-catching headline or a promise of more interesting content to be discovered.
You’ve got images, reviews and contact information to persuade your audience not to look at the web page below.
10. Local Google My Business
Google My Business is the reviews and directory for businesses on your Google. Although other online review websites appear on search results, nothing is more important than Google My Business.
Make sure your information, notably NAP (name, address, phone number) are also up to date and clear. This can make the difference in leaving your audience with a positive first impression.
How to get to the top of Google Search Results?
Ranking on Google is really important if you want to reach out to a bigger audience. However, SEO can come across over overwhelming and complicated.
Now you’ve got our simple and easy top tips to help you learn how to get to the top of Google search results. You can make sure you rise up the rankings in no time.
Are you setting up a website for your new business? Check out these 7 business ideas for entrepreneurs here.
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