Did you know that the average Joe or Jane spends a whopping 12,045 days in bed over their lifetime? That’s about 33 years of their entire life!
With all those hours spent in bed, it’s no wonder most homeowners dream of redoing their bedroom. After all, research has found that the environment we sleep in influences the quality of sleep we get. From temperature to lighting to season to bedroom decor, all these can make or break our beauty sleep.
That said, your master bedroom may be the best place to start if you’re thinking of home improvement. Especially if you’ve been having a hard time getting some shut-eye.
Don’t worry too much about a master bedroom renovation project costing you an arm and leg. There are ways to redo this room on a budget, and in many instances, you don’t even have to demolish a wall!
Ready to turn your suite into one sweet spot? Then let’s dive right into it!
1. Decide which Areas Warrant Immediate Attention
Since you’ll renovate the main bedroom on a budget, you need to figure out which parts you need to fix first. Go through each room section, from top to bottom, to determine the areas that need repairs ASAP.
Let’s say one of your concerns is that the floors creak at the lightest weight and pressure. You also want to address the temperature issues in the room, as it tends to get really hot (or cold). You’re also thinking of either repainting or changing the wallpaper.
List down all these issues that need attention, and then rank them based on their “severity”. Perhaps your biggest problem is the fluctuating temperature, followed by the noisy floors.
In this case, you’d want to prioritize getting your HVAC system and insulation checked. A faulty HVAC and worn insulation are the likely reasons your bedroom comfort has taken a plunge. After taking care of these two, then you can proceed with a wall repaint or wallpaper replacement job.
What’s important is to start with issues relating to performance first before aesthetics. Otherwise, you may have to get rid of the new wallpaper after a few months to place insulation in the walls. Not only will this cost you more — it’ll also mean your previous wallpaper expenses will be a complete waste.
2. Create a Budget with Your Priority List (and Stick to It!)
Once you’ve gathered quotes from contractors, compare the rates and included services. Do this by going through each detailed estimate to see the specific charges and where your money will go.
The breakdown should show a list of materials needed and their corresponding prices. There should also be a breakdown of each step of the job and the amount of time needed to complete each step.
Note that some contractors base their rates per project, while others charge per hour. The rates may also vary due to materials (and their sources). Research the material suppliers named in the quote to confirm how reputable they are.
What’s important is that each quote should have a breakdown of the estimated costs. Be sure to research each company too, to find out how happy and satisfied previous customers were.
3. Replace Existing Windows with Higher-Performance Ones
Did you know that you could be losing as much as 30% of your conditioned air through your windows? That includes air conditioned and heated air, both of which are expensive!
That said, you may want to also prioritize upgrading the master bedroom windows. This is especially true for if you have single-pane, clear glass windows. The greatest amount of heat gains and heat losses occur through this type of windows.
Some of your most energy-efficient upgrade options are dual pane windows. In one study, the heating costs of these double pane windows were $275 to $300 cheaper than the single pane kind. Of course, the more double-pane windows you have, the lower your energy bills may be.
4. Fix Air Leaks in Your Master Bedroom
Weatherize your home’s suite and make it even cozier and more comfy by patching up air leaks. If your main bedroom has a balcony, you may find these leaks under and around the door that leads to the outside. Air leaks may also occur due to worn weather stripping attached to the balcony door.
Cold (or warm) air may also be entering through the windows and ventilation of your suite’s bath. You may also find these leaks around wall or window air conditioners. Other places to look for leaks are around electric wall plates, cable TV lines, and vents.
You can fix minor gaps by sealing them with caulking or weatherstripping materials. For old, drafty, or rattling windows, an upgrade may already be necessary.
5. Replace Worn Insulation
Like air leaks, worn insulation can also lead to an uncomfortable bedroom environment. This is especially true if you live in an older home. Many of these aren’t insulated, as building codes back then didn’t specify insulation use yet.
With proper insulation, you can enjoy your desired temperature in the master bedroom 24/7. It acts as a barrier from freezing temperatures, as it blocks the cold from getting through the walls. In the summer, it serves as a sort of moderator for high temperatures, letting you beat the heat.
At the same time, adequate insulation can also help keep your energy bills low. Since it helps reduce heat gains and losses, your AC and heater can perform more efficiently.
6. Swap Old Carpets (Or Get Rid of Carpeting All Together)
Choosing between carpeting and wood is an eternal question when it comes to bedroom renovations. This is mostly based on preference, so if you like the warmth, cushioned feel of carpets, go for it. Keep in mind that the cost of new floor-to-floor, wall-to-wall carpets can quickly rack up though.
If you have beautiful hardwood floors (or plan to install them for the project), you may want to skip the carpet. You can instead, get a few pieces of lush rugs to add a touch of color to the floors.
As for maintenance, hardwood floors can last for many years, even decades. The bedroom, after all, gets much less traffic than the living room, the hallway, or the kitchen. This reduced foot traffic then minimizes the stress, wear, and tear on the floors.
7. Get Your Green On with Upcycled Furniture
One of the best ways on how to redo your room (or any other room) is to furnish them with upcycled furniture. Upcycling is the green practice of taking existing products and then repurposing them.
If you like to hone your DIY skills, then this is one project you’d want to include in your bedroom renovation. It’s incredibly satisfying while also letting you decorate your bedroom with custom furnishings. Best of all, upcycling projects will take you one step closer to becoming eco-conscious.
8. Upgrade Your Lighting Implements
Replace your incandescent light bulbs with LED ones, which have a lifetime of up to 50 times longer! They may cost more upfront, but their longer-lasting service life makes them a worthy investment.
Plus, they’re far more energy-efficient than most other lighting products. That means they can help you keep your energy bills low too.
9. Maximize Space with Floating Closets and Shelves
If you don’t have a super spacious suite, you can still make the most out of your space without demolishing walls. One way to do this is to install floating or hanging closets and shelves on your bare walls. These space-saving storage solutions eliminate the need for bulky cabinetry and furnishings.
In fact, even if you have a lot of bedroom space, you should still consider these space-savers. They come in stylish designs and sturdy materials, but at a fraction of the cost of traditional cabinetry. They make for a great way to complete your redecorated bedroom on a budget.
10. Have Your Existing HVAC System Serviced by Professionals
If you have an older air conditioner, especially one that uses Freon, it’s best to get that replaced. First, because come January 01, 2020, the U.S. is phasing out this refrigerant. After that, it’ll be much more expensive to have a Freon-using AC repaired and serviced.
As for relatively newer AC units though (manufactured after 2015), a complete tune-up will suffice. No, you don’t have to buy a brand-new HVAC unit just for your bedroom renovation. So long as it’s the proper size, then you can simply have it scheduled for maintenance.
Sleep Better in Your Newly-Renovated Master Bedroom
There you have it, all the ways to redo your master bedroom without costing you an arm and leg. So long as you follow these tips, you’ll be saying hello to a much cozier, more comfortable suite that beckons. Remember, by not going beyond your budget, you may be able to renovate the other rooms in your home as well!
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